Posted in: Iran steps up threats to close Strait of Hormuz after EU sanctions See in context
capitalism isn't the problem here, its the collusion of government and corporations that are bringing the downfall of the US. that and the people's ignorance of what their government is doing overseas and has for decades now. why isn't the US playing hardball with North Korea and Pakistan over their nuclear weapons? perhaps its because they lack rich oil reserves. if the US really wants to see an end to nuclear weapons, then unilaterally disarm. the US has become an intolerable imperial nation with the largest military budget and using it to control the rest of the world. that's just wrong.
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: World experts urge U.N. to take up mental health See in context
is the answer to everything get a world-wide organization to focus on it? aren't we currently living in a world with that agenda? doesn't appear to be working so well. it moves money and resources away from your local area through taxation. the answer to these issues is get involved in your area and do something about it. in the US there are local mental health associations already addressing these concerns. join one. the UN is not the answer.
0 ( +0 / -0 )
Posted in: 'Pokemon with guns' game Palworld’s developer gets sued by Nintendo/Pokemon Company
Posted in: Trump vows to be 'best friend' to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally's antisemitism surface
Do the American Jews even want to be supported by a felon?
Posted in: Trump vows to be 'best friend' to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally's antisemitism surface
If you have to, hold your nose, vote for Trump. Vote for a traitorous criminal? Yeah, nah.
Posted in: Trump vows to be 'best friend' to Jewish Americans, as allegations of ally's antisemitism surface