Japan Today

Zmitro comments

Posted in: Japan expresses concern over Russia's Ukraine move See in context

This issue of nuclear disarmament. Who will disarm now? Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia disarmed under the Guarantees, USA, UK, China, too, and the Protocol was signed (in Ukraine on TV stand people who do dorovor and signed). So what? Ukraine politely sent. Ukraine makes missiles - spaceships. has a nuclear reactor, there are scientists. Iran and North Korea will actively make nuclear weapons. And Japan is forced to think seriously. A nuclear weapon is very dangerous and poorly controlled. Russian experts believe that Russia wants to gain control over the Ukrainian military factories. These plants are important for the Russian army, they made a lot of important equipment. Chinese ships and planes use Ukrainian Turbins https://twitter.com/ukrpravda_news This independent television from Ukraine. After the revolution, has many hours of television broadcasting in the main Ukrainian television channel.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuzhnoye_Design_Bureau http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sea_Launch http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuzhmash Missiles produced at Yuzhmash included the first nuclear armed Soviet rocket R-5M (SS-3 'Shyster'), the R-12 Dvina (SS-4 'Sandal'), the R-14 Chusovaya (SS-5 'Skean'), the first widely deployed Soviet ICBM R-16 (SS-7 'Saddler'), the R-36 (SS-9 'Scarp'), the MR-UR-100 Sotka (SS-17 'Spanker'), and the R-36M (SS-18 'Satan'). During the Soviet era, the plant was capable of producing of up to 120 ICBMs a year. In the late 1980s, Yuzhmash was selected to be the main production facility of the RT-2UTTKh Topol-M ICBM (SS-27 "Sickle B").

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