Japan Today
The "beni-koji choleste help" supplement Image: Screenshot from Kobayashi Pharmaceutical website

Class action filed against Kobayashi Pharma in Taiwan: reports


A Taiwanese consumer protection body filed a class action lawsuit Friday on behalf of 55 people who claim their health was affected by dietary supplements made by Japanese drugmaker Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co that have been linked to deaths in Japan, according to Taiwanese media.

The nonprofit Consumer Protection Association is seeking close to NT$170 million ($5.32 million) in damages against six companies, including Kobayashi Pharmaceutical's Taiwan subsidiary and Taiwanese importers in relation to beni-koji choleste help, a red yeast rice dietary supplements.

More than a hundred deaths potentially linked to the supplements have been reported in Japan. Puberulic acid, a metabolic product of blue mold, detected in the supplements can cause renal tubular necrosis, according to Japan's health ministry, citing animal experiments.

Kobayashi Pharmaceutical said in August it will discontinue its red yeast rice business.


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