Japan Today


Be Well Air Pollution

Nearly everyone in the world breathes bad air. This is what you can do to lower your risk

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Everyone loves a breath of fresh air. Unfortunately, too often our air is anything but fresh. While air quality varies dramatically from place to place and day to day, nearly the entire world — about 99% of the global population — is exposed to air at some point that doesn't… Read


Poor sleep and addiction go hand in hand


A good night’s sleep often sets the stage for a positive day. But for the nearly quarter of American adults struggling with mental illness, a good night’s rest is often elusive. For patients with psychiatric conditions from addiction to mood disorders such as depression, disrupted sleep can often exacerbate symptoms… Read


Celebrate Valentine's Day with actual hearts in mind


Valentine's Day is a celebration of the heart. But some of the clichéd approaches to commemorate it – we're looking at you, big red box of candy and decadent dinner out – are not that great for your actual heart. Don't worry, this isn't a story where we ask you… Read


WHO worker aims to raise $1 bil to cover U.S. pullout


When the World Health Organization's top donor the United States announced its withdrawal, one employee launched an online fundraiser to plug the gap -- and her efforts have already raised more than $100,000. Tania Cernuschi, 46, told AFP she had the brainwave just after U.S. President Donald Trump signed an… Read


Nutrition advice is rife with misinformation


The COVID-19 pandemic illuminated a vast landscape of misinformation about many topics, science and health chief among them. Since then, information overload continues unabated, and many people are rightfully confused by an onslaught of conflicting health information. Even expert advice is often contradictory. On top of that, people sometimes deliberately distort research findings to promote… Read


Six million people could die from HIV and AIDS if U.S. funding stops, UN agency warns


More than six million people could die from HIV and AIDS in the next four years if U.S. President Donald Trump's administration pulls its global funding for programs, the United Nations AIDS agency says. Although a waiver was placed on HIV/AIDS programs in last month's U.S. foreign aid funding freeze,… Read


Patients using diabetes apps can miss critical alerts. Here's how to make sure you're getting them


Patients who use smartphone apps to manage their diabetes could face serious health problems if they miss notifications needed to control their blood sugar, U.S. health officials warned. The Food and Drug Administration said it has received multiple reports of users missing or not hearing important medical alerts from their… Read


Flu season in U.S. most intense it's been in at least 15 years


The U.S. winter virus season is in full force, and by one measure is the most intense in 15 years. One indicator of flu activity is the percentage of doctor’s office visits driven by flu-like symptoms. Last week, that number was clearly higher than the peak of any winter flu… Read


Some viruses prefer mosquitoes to humans, but people get sick anyway


Humans have an exceptional ability to deal with viruses. In most cases, your immune system is able to fight an infection. On the other hand, your body provides a spa-like environment that is temperate and stable, optimal for viruses to replicate. Human behavior, including close contact with animals and frequent… Read


AI model could use heart rhythm data to detect premature aging and cognitive decline


Electrocardiogram tests – which measure the heart's electrical activity – could someday be paired with an artificial intelligence model to detect premature aging and cognitive decline, new research suggests. The study found people with accelerated ECG age had lower cognitive test scores than those experiencing normal aging. Preliminary findings will… Read

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