Desperation stalks the care industry. More and more people need care. Fewer and fewer can give it. It’s an impossible situation. It can’t continue. Something will have to happen. What? When? Nobody seems to know. Once every nine days a care recipient is murdered by an exhausted caregiver, sometimes a family… Read
American author Rita Mae Brown once wryly observed, "If it weren't for the last minute, nothing would get done." As a current example of that axiom, Asahi Geino (March 20) offers a hazard map of potential pitfalls for visitors to the Osaka Expo, which is scheduled to open from April… Read
The ancient Greek tragedians would have made much of this character – or Shakespeare. Maybe no less a hand can do him justice. Macbeth, Oedipus, Ghosn. Few have risen higher, few fallen lower. That’s tragedy. Greatness is self-destructive. Carlos Ghosn was a corporate wizard, a magician. One failing company after… Read
Hard times are indeed upon us. The number of business firms filing for bankruptcy in Japan has shown an increase for the past 33 consecutive months. When the 2024 figures are finalized, it is anticipated that the number of corporate bankruptcies in Japan will surpass 10,000 for the first time… Read
“It’s as if six billion bowls of rice went missing.” What’s happening with rice? Its price is a raging fever. Five kilograms of Niigata Koshihikari brand sold for 2,490 yen last May, 3,285 yen in September, 4,185 yen in January. Other brands: similar – the sharpest spike since 1975. Strange: Farm… Read
The businesses collectively known as alibi-ya, were originally conceived to assist women in concealing their employment in less-than-respectable professions by providing them with an alternate identity. In the past the service was mainly used to conceal knowledge of the women's employment from their families living in rural areas, as well as to avoid exposure of their previous activities when undergoing… Read
There are numerous reasons to visit Kyotango but few to write about it. Yet here is Shukan Bunshun (Feb 27) writing about it. It’s a small city nestled between sea and mountains in the rural Tango Peninsula of northern Kyoto Prefecture, an hour and a half’s drive from Kyoto City.… Read
"Japan’s immigration policy is... restrictive because it is reluctant to accept foreign nationals who intend to stay, possibly with their families, for unlimited period of time.It is the reason why it tries to avoid using the term ... 'immigration' because the term is considered to include acceptance of such permanent immigrants. The basic policy... is… Read
Imagine the following beasts as office workers. Better yet, imagine office workers as the following beasts: brown bears, white sharks, bloodsucking ticks, herbivorous rhinos. The imagery we owe to Spa (Feb 11-18). This doesn’t exhaust its menagerie, which includes alligators, piranhas, even a toxic mushroom, but suffices to convey the general… Read
Since the end of the COVID pandemic, articles have been appearing sporadically in the tabloid press about Japanese females who embark on short sojourns overseas for the purpose of prostitution. Following the recent arrest of four individuals on charges of operating a site recruiting women to work as hookers in… Read