Japan Today
Voice actress Nobuyo Oyama is pictured during an interview in Tokyo in February 1999. Image: KYODO

Actress Nobuyo Oyama, voice of iconic anime character Doraemon, dies at 90


Nobuyo Oyama, a voice actress best known for playing the titular character in the popular Japanese anime series "Doraemon," has died, her agency said Friday. She was 90.

A native of Tokyo, Oyama had a successful career as a voice actor after graduating from Haiyuza acting school. Doraemon, which she voiced from 1979 until 2005, became an iconic character loved by children.

She died of natural causes on Sept 29 at a hospital in Tokyo, her agency said.

In addition to battling colorectal cancer and a stroke, Oyama also revealed in 2015 that she was suffering from dementia.


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