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Image: Kyodo News PR Wire
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Limited-edition World Expo merchandise on sale


World Expos, or International Registered Exhibitions, began in London in 1851. As the name suggests, they are large-scale exhibitions in which participants showcase their achievements, culture and advocacies.

In 2025, the next World Expo will be held in Osaka from April 4 to October 13, with 150 countries and 25 international organizations expected to take part in the exhibition.

The official mascot for the 2025 World Expo is called Myaku Myaku. The inspiration behind the mascot was a “mysterious” creature made from cells and water. The red part of Myaku Myaku makes up “cells,” while the blue color represents clean water.

If you want commemorative, limited-edition merchandise to wear to the expo, check out the collaboration between Colantotte and Myaku Myaku. Colantotte is a manufacturer of magnetic health gear and a sponsor of one of the exhibits by Osaka Prefecture at the World Expo. Using magnets to improve blood circulation and release stiffness, the collaboration features their TAO Necklace and eye mask, both with Myaku Myaku motifs. 

The eye mask is priced at ¥4,400 while the necklace is priced at ¥25,300. Available on the official Colantotte online store

Source: Kyodo News PRWire

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