Japan Today



June 28, 2024: Poster Pranks, Death on Fuji, Military Miscreant, Hotel Israel and Royal Flush


Welcome to Japan This Week! Join hosts Jeff Richards and Kamasami Kong as they recap the most significant news stories from Japan Today for the week of June 28, 2024. This episode covers a range of topics from political pranks in Tokyo's gubernatorial election to tragic incidents on Mount Fuji and controversial crimes involving U.S. servicemen. Plus, we discuss a discriminatory hotel incident in Kyoto and share readers' comments on these stories.


  • Pranks cause chaos in Tokyo's gubernatorial election campaign.
  • Three bodies found in the Mount Fuji crater; another climber dies.
  • U.S. serviceman indicted in Okinawa for sexual assault of a minor.
  • Kyoto hotel illegally refuses accommodation to an Israeli man.
  • Japanese emperor and empress welcomed by King Charles on a state visit to the U.K. [0:58 - 1:51]

Political News:

  • 56 candidates running for Tokyo governor on July 7.
  • Fringe NHK party disrupts the campaign with provocative posters.
  • Comments from Japan Today readers on the electoral pranks. [2:24 - 7:49]

Mount Fuji Incidents:

  • Four climbers lose their lives on Mount Fuji.
  • Bodies found in the crater, and a professional climber dies on the Yoshida trail.
  • Comments from Japan Today readers on the tragic events. [7:52 - 11:21]

Crime in Okinawa:

  • U.S. Air Force member indicted for kidnapping and sexual assault.
  • Local opposition to U.S. military presence in Okinawa intensifies.
  • Readers share their opinions on the incident. [11:40 - 16:04]

Kyoto Hotel Controversy:

  • Hotel refuses Israeli man due to perceived military ties.
  • Incident criticized as clear discrimination by Israel's embassy.
  • Mixed reactions from Japan Today readers. [16:18 - 19:03]


  • Closing remarks and a reminder to check jobs.gaijinpot.com for job opportunities in Japan. [19:04]

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