Japan Today

Volkswagen workers hold 2-hour strikes to push back against proposed pay cuts and plant closures


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you have lost cheap sources of energy and materials from Russia,withdrawn from their market,closed factory there and gave to chinese competition.

your production is unwanted,outdated,with substandard quality and overpriced.

than you have nice activists at the top of EU and their green deal.

now one simple question.

do you really believe that this business can survive?if you believe so you must be very very naive.

be proud,help Ukraine with your taxes more,wear 3 pullovers in winter and enjoy your "victory" while you still can get some social security...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Global competition is heating in automative, EV battery supply chains growing rapidly, price wars, real blood bath taking place for the traditional auto makers.

Every time a consumer rides in an Uber EV they learn how much better EV's are than ICE, far cheaper to operate, big times savings with very little maintenance and very fast and quiet!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

It's called Boro-Kuso-Wagon in Japan for a reason. Germany has gone soft. No stamina. No energy. Japanese automakers went on strike for many months. Two hours is child's play. It's only a matter of time before Subaru and Suzuki assume the #1 and #2 positions. Marc my words. Lowe point in automobile manufacturing and all around numbers for Europe.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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