Japan Today
Image: PR Times
new products

Document your adventures on RetroCube


Document new beginnings with a camera that’s made to fit perfectly in the palm of your hand. RetroCube is a 20-megapixel palm-sized digital camera that captures photos with filters to simulate a nostalgic, retro feel — just like those taken with old digital cameras or flip phones.

It’s the perfect way for adults and children alike to capture the New Year. The camera records videos, has 20 digital photo frame options and has a special in-camera feature for taking the perfect selfies. It weighs 40 grams and is available in a new color way called Moss Green. 

Priced at ¥8,480, the camera comes with a sticker pack, a leather hand strap, a USB-C charging cable and a micro SD card.

Source: PR Times

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A useless item in the world of ubiquitous smartphones

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

Yeah, but, yeah, but...kawaii!

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Digital version of the old bakachon?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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