Japan Today

Tokyo to host 2nd 'SpoGOMI' litter-collecting World Cup next October


The second World Cup of the Japanese sport of picking up litter, "SpoGOMI," will be held in Tokyo in October 2025, the Nippon Foundation said Tuesday.

Teams from 21 nations competed in last November's inaugural event, also held in Tokyo. Qualifying rounds are expected to take place in more than 30 countries for next year's World Cup. Host Japan's team will be decided after qualifying events around the nation.

The sport's name comes from combining the words "sport" and "gomi" -- the Japanese term for garbage.

Under tournament rules, each team comprised of three people collects litter at a designated area such as the beach and city streets with points awarded based on volume and the type of trash collected.

"People can compete regardless of age or disability," event ambassador Takeshi Matsuda, an Olympic swimming medalist, said during a press conference in Tokyo.

"It's a sport in which anyone can represent their country."


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