Japan Today

Ishiba confirms close cooperation with other G7 leaders

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Japan's new Prime Minister Shigeru Ishiba on Wednesday told his counterparts from the Group of Seven that cooperation among them is increasingly important as security issues of the Middle East, Europe, including Ukraine, and the Indo-Pacific region are closely intertwined.

After joining a call with other leaders of the major industrial democracies for the first time, Ishiba told reporters he had underscored that the group and all other parties involved should exercise the "utmost restraint and make every effort to calm the situation so that it does not escalate into an all-out war."

Ishiba, who took office Tuesday, was referring to the situation in the Middle East that has become exacerbated following Iran's latest attack against Israel with scores of missiles.

According to a Japanese government statement released after Ishiba spoke to the press before midnight at the premier's official residence, he also said Japan will maximize its diplomatic efforts, including toward Iran, to prevent the situation from getting worse.

The White House said U.S. President Joe Biden and the other G7 leaders "unequivocally condemned" Iran's attack and reaffirmed Washington's "ironclad commitment" to Israel's security

Biden told reporters that additional sanctions will soon be imposed on Iran.

But Biden said he does not support any Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities in response to the attack, which Tehran says was retaliation for killing Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.

Biden said the G7 leaders have agreed that Israel has a right to respond, but it should do so "in proportion."


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It might be better for PM Ishiba to attempt to rein in Netanyahu whose IDF has recently caused more death and conflict in the region than any other country.

For some negotiations and ceasefires seem to be naive but the alternative is far, far worse.

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