Japan Today

Japan will not send new envoy to military-ruled Myanmar: sources


Japan will not send a new ambassador to Myanmar after the current envoy leaves the country later this week, with a minister taking over duties as the charge d'affaires, diplomatic sources said Thursday, downgrading its relations with the country under military rule since a 2021 coup.

A new ambassador needs to submit credentials to the junta -- which took power on Feb 1, 2021, by ousting Aung San Suu Kyi's elected government -- and Japan was concerned dispatching an envoy would be taken as an endorsement of the military government, according to the sources.

While Tokyo, which has not imposed sanctions on the military or associated individuals and groups since the coup, unlike Western countries, maintains connections with the junta, its presence in Myanmar could decline, they said.

But a Japanese diplomatic source said, "The importance of Myanmar (for Japan) will not change. We will explain this thoroughly (in and outside Japan) to seek understanding."

The United States, some European countries and South Korea downgraded diplomatic relations with Myanmar following the coup.

Japanese Ambassador to Myanmar Ichiro Maruyama will leave his position by the end of this week, after serving in the post since 2018, according to the sources. Shogo Yoshitake, a minister at the Japan embassy in Yangon, will serve as the charge d'affaires.

The decision comes as Myanmar continues to deal with a prolonged conflict between the military and pro-democracy resistance groups as well as ethnic minority rebels, with the opposition forces gaining momentum since last October.


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What, three years two late? In any event the Tatamadaw is almost done so it is time to start reaching out to the rebels and finding out if they are interested in forming a responsible state.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

*too late

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Downgrade the diplomatic relationship but what about teaching their Army officers at the Defense Academy? Still going to continue with that and support the illegitimate militarist government?

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