Japan Today

Care worker at facility for disabled people in Gifu arrested for assaulting male resident


Police in Toki City, Gifu Prefecture, have arrested a 39-year-old male staff member of a residence for people with special needs on suspicion of assaulting a 55-year-old male resident.

Police said Takayuki Iwasa, a staff member at Gifu Prefectural Hananokien, a facility supporting disabled people, allegedly hit the resident in the face with his palm and punched him in the stomach with his fist at around 5:30 p.m. on September 13 and September 19, NTV reported.

Staff at the facility contacted the police after surveillance camera footage of Iwasa committing the assault was discovered.

Police said Iwasa, who is a certified care worker and was in charge of providing assistance to the residents at the facility, has admitted to the allegation.

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One would hope this POS would get at least some prison time for this assault. But, it's doubtful. My money is on suspended sentence.

They should also remove his care worker certification. But, I also doubt that will happen.

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Sickening how a human could viciously attack a disabled person - likely just for fun. Absolute coward. Aren't they giving these care workers rigorous background checks and psychological tests?

I hope this animal is jailed and never works again.

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