Japan Today

Fighto! comments

Posted in: Japanese athletes on high alert after French railway arson attacks See in context

Reports in the media that the attacks were made by Putin for Russia being banned from the Olympics.

The Russians will do anything they can to disrupt and cause terror upon the party they weren't invited to. They are furious they cannot showcase their doped-up athletes on the world stage any more.

Their plans will fail.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Paris Olympics kick off with ambitious but rainy opening ceremony on Seine River See in context

Two different stories here right!

why are the left so violent?

The biggest threats they are getting right now are from fascist Russia and their army of violent supporters. They are still bitter and furious that the civilized world - rightly - wanted them banned from the Olympics.


Anyway, good show despite the bad weather. Well done, Paris!

3 ( +5 / -2 )

Posted in: Vietnam Communist Party chief's funeral draws thousands of mourners See in context

Another leader, unelected by the public, who spent the majority of his life fighting against freedom. He hated it.

Nguyen had the dishonour of winning a "Press Freedom Predator Award" from Reporters without Borders, for every edition he was nominated - 2013, 2016, 2022. Awarded along with fellow Press Freedom Predators Xi Jinping, Kim Jong-un, Ali Khamenei, Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban - and the despised Carrie Lam of Hong Kong.

That's some company to keep!

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: An Olympic-sized fight erupts among anti-doping officials, and it's just getting started See in context

Doping works, Flo Jo, Lance Armstrong,Marion Jones etc were all doped to the hills and never failed a test. 

Yeah, some almost 40 years ago. False comparison.

Stop defending the current state-sponsored doping program of totalitarian China. All athletes should refuse to shake any Chinese hands if they end up on a podium.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Dan Aykroyd revisits Blues Brothers' remarkable legacy in new Audible Original See in context

Absolute classic of a movie!

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. military, seeking strategic advantages, builds up Australia's northern bases See in context

Canberra has always harboured delusions of being the "deputy sheriff" for the SW Pacific.

They maintain the fiction these are "Australian bases", but they should try to be honest with themselves and everyone else. I'll bet one peppercorn that is not the case.

Sad to see the beautiful Outback environment of the Top End raped to build that monstrosity in the photo, and the Indigenous population, whose native land it is, being victimized once again by the colonialists.

Yet according to you - and the many pro-fascist Russia supporters on here - it is fine for Russia to invade a sovereign nation and kill innocent children, women and men. These pro-fascists told us all along that Russia would "never invade" - it was all a fantasy of the evil West.

Japan, Australia and every other democratic nation can collaborate with whoever they wish to collectively defend themselves. And in the current world with aggressive totalitarian nations like fascist Russia and Communist China, they absolutely need to.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: An Olympic-sized fight erupts among anti-doping officials, and it's just getting started See in context

WADA is a murky, opaque organization that cannot be trusted. It is beyond belief that they cleared 23 Chinese swimmers who tested positive to a heart medication (TMZ) on the basis that they all ate "contaminated food". How on earth could a specific, prescription heart medication make its way into food?

WADA should be disbanded.

The Chinese and the Russians are symbiotic twins when it comes to State sponsored doping.

Absolutely. But in the Chinese case, they have the money and power to pay the right WADA officials to escape any consequences.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Canada beats NZ 2-1 in women's soccer after drone scandal; Spain edges Japan 2-1 See in context

The Group A match in Saint-Etienne was controversial before the start when two Canada staffers were sent home early for their alleged involvement with drones that were reported over a pair of New Zealand's practices.

Canada played the opener without coach Bev Priestman, who stepped away from the team for the match to show accountability

It beggars belief that the Canadian head coach was not privy to the spying by drone on the NZ training session. Hardly believable that two low-level assistants would undertake spying for their own sake.

Update : The Canada head coach has now been sent home - presumably to be sacked. The right call.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Paris aims to reset Olympics with audacious Games and a wow opening See in context

Of course Russians are almost completely banned from the games, except for some individuals. 

political event.

while rejecting russian and belorussian sports teams,

Well, that's one big thing they have gotten right.

No one misses the Russians and their state-sponsored doping.

0 ( +5 / -5 )

Posted in: Five players on Australia’s women’s water polo team test positive for COVID-19 See in context

I've been saying that since March 2020.

It took some time, but the experts have come around to agree with me.

Yeah. I'm sure the experts are taking their advice from a random internet poster.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Posted in: Dujardin video shows British Olympic star repeatedly whipping horse See in context

Dujardin is a grub - a nasty piece of work. Hurting an innocent horse purely due to her poor ability to control the horse as she wished. Hopefully she is banned for life from all Olympic competition and is prosecuted by the UK authorities. People should berate her in the street.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's population falls for 15th year in a row See in context

@ daito_hak -

So you believe that a growing population is the only model for a nation to pursue? That seems illogical in a world with resources already stretched to the limit. The environment is suffering worldwide.

Japan is showing that improved quality of life, better infrastructure, hospitals etc can be achieved along with a steadily declining population. The first nation on earth to do this.

Can you propose any legitimate objections to this model?

-2 ( +6 / -8 )

Posted in: Japan's population falls for 15th year in a row See in context

The CEO of Blackrock recently said that the upcoming artificial intelligence revolution will favor countries with shrinking populations. 

Yes - not to mention robotics also. Within a decade, Japan will likely roll out human-like robots servicing residents in nursing homes, replacing the need for care workers. Furthermore, flying drones will replace road-based delivery services. The "Kuro-Neko" type delivery system will be dead soon.

Japan will be well-positioned. Countries like Canada will sink into the abyss.

Canada basically invented the model of "importing people to grow your economy". They were not smart, sadly, and it seems Canada is now a pretty awful place to visit or live. Other nations that copied the flawed Canada model- namely Australia and NZ - are just now trying to unravel it.

1 ( +6 / -5 )

Posted in: Japan's population falls for 15th year in a row See in context

I do hope that with the continued population decline, the govt can ease up on foreign worker visa rules and let more foreigners own properties, marry locals and just help prop up the country. 

You do realize that foreigners can and do own property, and can and do marry locals in Japan, right? No one is stopping them.

6 ( +11 / -5 )

Posted in: Chaos, crowd trouble as Morocco beat Argentina in men's Olympic soccer opener See in context

Whenever a team like Argentina plays, everyone who isn't from there cheers for the other team.

Which race did the Argentinians make comments about? I don't follow men's soccer much.

They've been running around singing juvenile trash about the French players being "African" not French - in particular taunting Mbappe.

No wonder the French fans are rather hostile to the Argies - and it was seen in the rugby also.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: Man arrested over alleged sexual assault of 12-year-old girl he met on social media See in context

Bertie Wooster -

They met on social media. She was on social media to meet someone like this. She went to a hotel with him. To see his stamp collection? Unencumbered by the facts as I am, I would say that blame lies with both.

A 12-year old CHILD is equally to "blame" for her sexual assault and physical injury at the hands of a 36 year old?


You have certainly revealed yourself with that comment.

22 ( +38 / -16 )

Posted in: Denmark awaits Japan's extradition request for anti-whaling activist See in context

The Kingdom of Denmark is a great ally of Japan and a big believer in Rule of Law. There is no doubt they will extradite Watson to Japan where he will be enemy number one!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

Posted in: Do you think mega-sports events such as the Olympics and the FIFA World Cup are good for the host country's economy and infrastructure in the long run? See in context

No. Every Olympics saddles the host nation with huge debt. Often the facilities are abandoned and left to rot after the games. For totalitarian regimes, China, Russia etc, taking funding from the public is of no concern - there can be no protests.

I know I'm in the minority, but IMO the Olympics should be radically downsized. There is simply no need for massive, rich sports that already have their own Majors and world Championships like golf, tennis, football, surfing and many more.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan's population falls for 15th year in a row See in context

Actually positive news to wake up to for once!

Not all doom and gloom. Japan is consciously depopulating - and providing the world with an unprecedented model of achieving economic growth WITH a falling population.

A win for the environment, a win for kids seeking entry to schools and colleges, a win for graduates seeking employment - they will have multiple job offers. With rapid advancements in AI, drones, driverless tech and robotics, any supposed negatives of a so called "Labor shortage" will be allayed.

-10 ( +15 / -25 )

Posted in: Chaos, crowd trouble as Morocco beat Argentina in men's Olympic soccer opener See in context

Of all the sports at the Olympics, of all the full stadia and venues - if you had to guess the only one where the riot squad needs to storm the field? Of course it'd be football!

Great game - but it does attract a far higher percentage of thugs, on and off the pitch, than any other sport.

80,000 people in Paris watching the opening games of the rugby - much bigger crowd than the football. Apart from booing toward the Argies, no riot police deployed. Football needs to learn a lot.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: Taiwan braces for typhoon, suspends work, cancels flights See in context

Pray for free, independent Taiwan.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Posted in: Video of man kicking, slapping deer in Nara Park causes outrage See in context

Hopefully netizens identify him and where he lives.

8 ( +16 / -8 )

Posted in: Russia bans entry of 13 Japan business leaders, including Toyota, Rakuten chiefs over sanctions See in context

None of them will lose any sleep.

Go pound sand, fascist Russia. Japan is peaceful and civilized - Russia never will be.

4 ( +23 / -19 )

Posted in: Jones 'optimistic' about young Japan team despite three defeats See in context

If you employ a dud, you get dud results.

Sadly, true.

They can’t get that in their own countries where Rugby is a minor sport.

Rugby is not the major sport in most countries where it is played, including Japan where baseball and football are the major ones. Rugby is the major sport in NZ and Wales - I don't know of any more.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

Posted in: Top execs resign at Japanese supplement firm linked to dozens of deaths See in context

Bit late now. They should have acted when they found out their company was producing dangerous and deadly products- instead of covering things up. It will be good if many employees are jailed.

Hopefully Kobayashi Pharmaceuticals is now wound up permanently.

RIP to the many victims of these horrible people.

11 ( +13 / -2 )

Posted in: EU drops Hungary meeting over Ukraine war stance See in context

I hope all the pro EU folks have their fallout shelters stocked.

Typical warmongering pro-fascist Russia rhetoric.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: EU drops Hungary meeting over Ukraine war stance See in context

Orban - the man who signed Hungary up to Communist China's Belt and Road Scam - a dodgy deal that Hungary will be paying for long, long after he has gone. The man cannot be trusted.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

Posted in: French activist Bardot slams Japan's 'manhunt' against anti-whaler Watson See in context

Bardot must have gone senile.

Watson is technically a Pirate, and Sea Shepherd an eco-terrorist organisation. He has been evading authorities and INTERPOL for decades. Now - finally - he has been caught and arrested. Greenland, part of the Kingdom of Denmark, will 100% extradite Watson as they are big advocates of whaling and follow Rule of Law.

Pirate Watson could be looking at 10 years in a Japanese prison. Feed him whale meat 3 times a day as his staple meal!

-13 ( +10 / -23 )

Posted in: Surge in inbound tourists pushes Japan to explore dual pricing See in context

Garthgoyle -


Ohhhhh, I see. For 1,100 less (than tourists).

Nevermind, I let myself out the door.

Ha ha, I was waiting for you to pick that up!

On the surface, I get why some people would be shocked or even angry by such a surcharge. But as long as it is fully transparent before entering, and tourists have the option to take their business elsewhere - with no extra charge and no extra language service - I can't see a huge issue.

It sounds like the all-you-can-eat/Viking restaurant in the story with the tourist surcharge is doing well so far.

-9 ( +1 / -10 )

Posted in: Surge in inbound tourists pushes Japan to explore dual pricing See in context

Garthgoyle -


I think you need to redo that math. That 6,578 is not a 16% price increase but a whole 598% increase.

598% increase? Where on earth does that come from?! There is no need to massively exaggerate to make an argument - both sides have merit.

Read the article above, please.

It is a 16.7% price differential.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

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