Japan Today
Image: iStock/Brian A Jackson

Man arrested for stealing luxury items from neighboring apartment in Yokohama

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Police in Yokohama have arrested a 53-year-old man on suspicion of stealing valuable items from the apartment of the man who lives next-door to him in a high-rise apartment, last year.

According to police, Junichi Goto, a company employee, is accused of stealing 34 items, including six high-end watches and bracelets, worth a total of about 23 million yen, from his neighbor’s apartment in Minato Mirai in August 2023, TV Asahi reported.

Police said Goto, who was arrested on Wednesday, has denied the allegation and quoted him as saying “They were given to me as a gift.”

Police said a man and his wife who live in the apartment beside Goto invited him in for drinks. After the wife went to bed, Goto and the man kept drinking. When he fell asleep, Goto is suspected of stealing watches and other jewelry from the apartment.

The man and his wife noticed that their valuables were missing the next morning and contacted police.

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"Goto" a phonetically appropriate name for a thief!

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