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Skeleton wrapped in blue tarp found in field in Ibaraki


A skeletonized body wrapped in a blue tarp was found in a field in Yachiyo town, Ibaraki Prefecture, police said.

Police said they believe the body may be that of a woman in her 60s who went missing in 2020 in Koga City, Ibaraki Prefecture, Sankei Shimbun reported.

A police station in the Kanto region revealed that in July, a person in custody over another case said he had buried a body in the field several years ago. After questioning the person, police began using heavy machinery on Oct 15 and found the body on Tuesday, buried about two meters deep.

The body was clad in a long-sleeved fleece jacket and long pants.

The field is in an area dotted with houses among fields, and there are also an elementary school and nursery school nearby

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