Japan Today
Court Putin Mongolia
FILE - Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, walks with Mongolian President Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh, left, during a welcoming ceremony at Sukhbaatar Square in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024. (Kristina Kormilitsyna, Sputnik, Kremlin Pool Photo via AP, File)

International Criminal Court reports Mongolia to its oversight body for failing to arrest Putin


A panel of judges at the International Criminal Court reported Mongolia to the court's oversight organization on Thursday for failing to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin when he visited the Asian nation last month.

Putin's visit was his first to a member state of the court since it issued an arrest warrant for him last year on war crimes charges, accusing him of personal responsibility for the abductions of children from Ukraine. Russia is not a member of the court and the Kremlin has rejected the charges.

“States Parties and those accepting the Court’s jurisdiction are duty-bound to arrest and surrender individuals subject to ICC warrants, regardless of official position or nationality,” the court said in a statement.

Putin is wanted by the court for his alleged personal responsibility for the war crime of unlawful deportation of children and unlawful transfer of children from occupied areas of Ukraine to the Russian Federation.

Instead of arresting Putin, Mongolian authorities rolled out the red carpet. The Russian leader was welcomed in the main square of the capital, Ulaanbaatar, by an honor guard dressed in vivid red and blue uniforms styled on those of the personal guard of 13th century ruler Genghis Khan, the founder of the Mongol Empire.

Ahead of the visit, Ukraine had urged Mongolia to hand Putin over to the court in The Hague, and the European Union expressed concern that Mongolia might not execute the warrant.

“In view of the seriousness of Mongolia’s failure to cooperate with the Court, the Chamber deemed it necessary to refer the matter to the Assembly of States Parties,” the court said, referring to its oversight body that meets in December in The Hague.

What the assembly will now do remains unclear. While Putin was in Mongolia, a court said that the organization that is made up of all 124 of the court's member states can “take any measure it deems appropriate.”

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Indeed. Time to remove all countries not in compliance with the Rome Statute.

0 ( +12 / -12 )

If one reads the fine print in all the ICC/Rome Statute, there is an exception clause for a state to extend diplomatic immunity based on important national objectives, which is exactly what Mongolia took the prerogative in doing.

Nothingburger that won't amount to a hill of beans despite the inevitable trumpet smoke.

-3 ( +12 / -15 )

accusing him of personal responsibility for the abductions of children from Ukraine. Russia is not a member of the court and the Kremlin has rejected the charges.

In the 'new world order' that supporters of Putin and the axis of totalitarianism nations foresee, expect abductions of children got through invading sovereign nations to increase because the warmongering axis nations will need more military personnel to continue their warmongering. Maybe poor nations that want to be under the umbrella of the axis will offer their citizens to die in the wars to come. It looks like a new era of colonialism ahead, led by Putin/Xi and fellow dictators.

1 ( +11 / -10 )

JJEToday  06:51 am JST

If one reads the fine print in all the ICC/Rome Statute, there is an exception clause for a state to extend diplomatic immunity based on important national objectives, which is exactly what Mongolia took the prerogative in doing.

Maybe don't call up the war criminal and invite him over, then? Important national objectives, my a.

Nothingburger that won't amount to a hill of beans despite the inevitable trumpet smoke.

Russia will never live down its humiliation, just like its illegally seized territories are never recognized.

0 ( +13 / -13 )

Mongolia is essentially reliant on Russia for energy and a host of other things. They have every prerogative to prioritise that.

As for recognition, that will be a requirement of any future settlement (along with this arrest warrant being made null and void, amongst others).

-10 ( +5 / -15 )

Mongolia - another rogue state that does not believe in Rule of Law - just like fascist Russia, China, North Korea and Belarus.

They hate law, freedom and democracy there.

-4 ( +9 / -13 )

Mongolia . . . Between a rock and a hard place.

8 ( +11 / -3 )

Vlad must have been really irked walking along-side all these leaders that were taller than him...

Anyway, all he proved was that he's cratering Russia's economy with his invasion and war in Ukraine, and has to grovel to Xi and Modi for money, Kim for weapons and troops, and The Mullahs for drones and missiles...

4 ( +11 / -7 )


along with this arrest warrant being made null and void, amongst others.

Not going to happen.

4 ( +10 / -6 )

Mongolia is 100% reliant on Russia for its oil and gas. Ulaan Baattar gets really cold in winter.

-5 ( +6 / -11 )

Mongolia is 100% reliant on Russia for its oil and gas

Another reason for Mongolia and all other nations that are stuck in the fossil era, to find alternatives to burning huge amounts of fossil fuels got from fossil nations like Russia.

5 ( +11 / -6 )

Vlad must have been really irked walking along-side all these leaders that were taller than him...

You can ask Zel for similar feelings. How Zel feel walking behind the backs of his bosses, who are much taller than him. Tell me, this your endless desire to humiliate someone, to offend is where from? Is this part of your Western culture?? Are you being brought up this way at school or in families? It's the behavior of insecure people, people in a state of primal fear. Am'I mistaken about you?

-6 ( +5 / -11 )

Indeed. Time to remove all countries not in compliance with the Rome Statute.



-7 ( +3 / -10 )

I think what we have in the international criminal court is , African black leaders will get arrested, white North American or European leaders get a free get out of jail pass. And when the war in Ukraine ends, (and it will) which European /North American country is going to arrest him? Or will the dreaded head of politics creep in and a deal will be struck. Although it does make you wonder how Bush (in hindsight) convinced Joe public about WMDs then invaded a country, killed thousands and just walked away! Goose and gander come to my mind!

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

JJEToday  07:09 am JST

As for recognition, that will be a requirement of any future settlement (along with this arrest warrant being made null and void, amongst others).

You going to make India recognize the illegally separated territories in Georgia and Ukraine? They will tell you they can buy nonfunctional weapons elsewhere. Also Russia has even less power over the ICC than it does over NATO, if something can be said to be less than zero.

0 ( +7 / -7 )

Abe234Today  08:30 am JST

I think what we have in the international criminal court is , African black leaders will get arrested, white North American or European leaders get a free get out of jail pass.

You have some evidence of European leaders getting out of jail free other than Lukashenko?

And when the war in Ukraine ends, (and it will) which European /North American country is going to arrest him?

Everyone not shamelessly ignoring russia's newfound fascism and danger to Europe?

Or will the dreaded head of politics creep in and a deal will be struck.

A deal struck with whom? No judge is going to want to cover for mad vlad.

Although it does make you wonder how Bush (in hindsight) convinced Joe public about WMDs then invaded a country, killed thousands and just walked away! Goose and gander come to my mind!

Most around the world at the time agreed there were wmd in Iraq and no land was annexed so there was no nation level warcrime?

2 ( +7 / -5 )

This is good - although I'd rather see Putin taken out entirely than arrested - but the International Criminal Court is as useless as many other international organisations who talk a lot and act very little, it amounts to nothing of note.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

Whose country in the right mind to arrest Putin? stupid ICC if they really pursuing to arrest him why don't the prosecutors of ICC and their ICC judges to personally arrest him. They are asking a country the impossible to happen and just seat their asss in the comfortable office damn it.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

You can't really blame Mongolia for not arresting war criminal Putin. They would have faced some bad consequences.

But yeah, they probably shouldn't sign agreements they're not willing to honor.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

""A panel of judges at the International Criminal Court reported Mongolia to the court's oversight organization on Thursday for failing to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin when he visited the Asian nation last month.""

Let me just correct this a little,

"" for failing to arrest PM B. Netanyahu when he visited Washington DC and the house of the people last summer ""

-3 ( +4 / -7 )

As I have always stated the UN with all of it's branches are USELESS & OBSOLETE.

There is nothing left for this LEACH to do that will contribute to the well being of humans kind.

Shut it down.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Just a reminder that Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, the person responsible for the death of over 40.000 children and women in the State of Palestine, for who the International criminal court has requested an arrest warrant, was a guest of honor at the US Congress in Washington only few months ago. Not a single reference in the article. That is what I call double standards, and another example of how media is controlled by the economic interests of Washington lobbies. Kudos for Mongolia

-1 ( +7 / -8 )

But the US is not a member state remember, and not obligated to cooperate, certain quarters will say, while righteously pumping smoke out a trumpet, all the while taking contrived moral high ground and lecturing others about it.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Right now, the majority of the members of the court see the court's unseemly, unprecedented, and legally suspect arrest warrant for Putin (no establishment of jurisdiction, no establishment the the action met all the requirements of the charges, and no establishment that the legal system of the country was not capable of trying the charge) and the courts unseemly, political refusal to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu despite the stablishment of jurisdiction, the establishment that the action met all the requirements of the charge, and the refusal of the courts of the country to stop acting in furthering the crime, as lacking ANY credibility (the question of credibility having already been under discussion by a significant portion of the members long before the event that triggered the charges against Putin)

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

Meanwhile, Mister Putin successfully closes the meeting of the BRICS economic bloc that will be a great alternative for the world to free itself from the dominance of the Dollar, the IMF and the World Bank..

-6 ( +3 / -9 )



The fact is that no article reference the whereabouts of Netanyahu in Washington at the end of July, and his deals with the US lobbies in Wall Street and Washington's obscure black holes. I find it extremely dishonest and further evidence that this discorse in nonobjective and dishonest.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

So following the various comments above, Mongolia should have arrested Putin, and Washington should have arrested Netanyahu.

OK, sounds good to me, got it.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Easy to say when they don't share sensitive borders with Russia and are trading partners with the Russian. Mongolia has NO seaport, so their way to survive is to be friends with Russia.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

Same story for the powerful lobbies in Washington, they share too many economic investments with the State of Israel. To start with the over 18 billions of dollars in lethal weapons shipped in 2024 to Tel Aviv, to support the ongoing operations conducted by the IDF in Gaza and Lebanon. 

Every single airplane employed by Israel military, missiles, guns, and bullets are Made in USA. After all the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) stated purpose is to lobby the Congress of the United States on issues and legislation related to Israel. The legit arrest of Netanyahu would have a huge impact on their own interests.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

jerryboyToday 09:03 am JST

Whose country in the right mind to arrest Putin? stupid ICC if they really pursuing to arrest him why don't the prosecutors of ICC and their ICC judges to personally arrest him. They are asking a country the impossible to happen and just seat their asss in the comfortable office damn it.

Are you under the impression that russia would let them in to take Putin out in handcuffs?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

RichardPearceToday 09:48 am JST

Right now, the majority of the members of the court see the court's unseemly, unprecedented, and legally suspect arrest warrant for Putin (no establishment of jurisdiction, no establishment the the action met all the requirements of the charges, and no establishment that the legal system of the country was not capable of trying the charge) and the courts unseemly, political refusal to issue arrest warrants for Netanyahu despite the stablishment of jurisdiction, the establishment that the action met all the requirements of the charge, and the refusal of the courts of the country to stop acting in furthering the crime, as lacking ANY credibility (the question of credibility having already been under discussion by a significant portion of the members long before the event that triggered the charges against Putin)

The only thing unseemly is that the ICC was never given authority to prosecute waging aggressive war as a principle war crime.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

FosToday 09:23 am JST

Just a reminder that Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu, the person responsible for the death of over 40.000 children and women in the State of Palestine, for who the International criminal court has requested an arrest warrant,

Requesting an arrest warrant is not the same as issuing an arrest warrant.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

TaiwanIsNotChinaToday 11:18 am JST

The only thing unseemly is that the ICC was never given authority to prosecute waging aggressive war as a principle war crime.

I must correct myself. They do have the authority and it is a disgrace that Putin wasn't indicted on that on March 6th, 2022, when it became clear that the goal of the war was annexation.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

The International Criminal Court is a joke.

If they wanted to have a smidgen of credibility, they at least would have Hillary Clinton on their arrest warrant list (not that it has any value anyway), for what she did to Libya.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

What Mongolia has got to do is quit from ICC now, nothing worth to discussing with a kangaroo court !

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Just a reminder that the landmark ruling of ICJ on 19 July 2024 declared that Israel's occupation of the Gaza strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, is unlawful, along with the associated settlement regime, annexation and use of natural resources. 

It is also important to note that the same person who lectured the the US Congress and the main lobbies guiding Washington foreign policy, Benjamin Netanyahu, is charged with fraud, breach of trust and accepting bribes in three separate scandals involving powerful media moguls and wealthy associates in his own country.

The sanctimoniousness from the United States of America, Japan's main ally, is truly unacceptable with reference to Russia actions or China.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

There's one way to measure how things are going in Russia - the weather report...

As in how many Putin cronies and adversaries "rained" down from 8th story windows today?


2 ( +2 / -0 )

Mongolia of course siding with Putain, until they will experience the same like Ukraine.

Besides, what good is the ICC if they can't enforce this?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

OK15, the White Bloc never wanted the ICC to have the power to enforce international law, it wanted it as a front for its bullying of Black states that didn't willingly give their resources to the White Bloc on the White Bloc's terms.

The bureaucracy and presiding judges TRIED to live up to the official mandate, but the political Prosecutors kept them from being able to succeed, in quiet ways, until attention to the thwarting of the bureaucracy and presiding judges efforts to prosecute, and the bypassing of the bureaucracy and presiding judges created a feedback loop that was anything but quiet.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

ZaphodToday 11:45 am JST

The International Criminal Court is a joke.

If they wanted to have a smidgen of credibility, they at least would have Hillary Clinton on their arrest warrant list (not that it has any value anyway), for what she did to Libya.

You just keep getting better and better. What, pray tell, was HRC's crime in Libya?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

FosToday 12:00 pm JST

The sanctimoniousness from the United States of America, Japan's main ally, is truly unacceptable with reference to Russia actions or China.

I know there is a relevance to this article in there somewhere, but darned if I know what it is.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

As in how many Putin cronies and adversaries "rained" down from 8th story windows today?

Time for an update to the song.

"It's raining Russkie executives, hallelujah!"

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Countries not sharing a border always say stuff like this. What’s the icc gonna do after reporting them?

exactly, nothing.

its like asking the UN to prevent a genocide. They will report it, watch it happen, then say, wow we should have done something. These international organizations are nothing but places that send letters to themselves about stuff that happened last week

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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