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Ex-chief Osaka public prosecutor pleads guilty to raping female subordinate


A former chief of the Osaka District Public Prosecutors Office on Friday pleaded guilty to raping a female subordinate prosecutor in 2018 while she was drunk.

Kentaro Kitagawa, a 65-year-old lawyer, said he does "not contest" the sexual assault accusation against him, saying, "I inflicted serious damage against the victim and I am deeply remorseful," in the first hearing for the case at the Osaka District Court.

When the intoxicated woman was taking a taxi to go home following a social gathering with Kitagawa and his colleagues on Sept 12, 2018, he forced himself into her taxi, took her to his official residence in Osaka and raped her there, prosecutors said in their opening remarks.

Kitagawa, who was the chief public prosecutor at the time, ignored the woman's pleas to stop assaulting her when she regained consciousness, telling her, "You are my woman now," the Osaka High Public Prosecutors Office said.

He raped her late that night until the early hours of the next day, according to the indictment and prosecutors.

"I was victimized by the top person at my organization, and my own dignity as a prosecutor was trampled upon," the victim said at a press conference following the hearing.

She was told he "would die if (the rape) was made public, which would inconvenience other prosecutors," she said.

Hailing from Ishikawa Prefecture, Kitagawa became a public prosecutor in 1985. He also served as the deputy prosecutor of the high prosecutors office and the head of criminal investigations at the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office.

Following his departure, he registered as a lawyer with the Osaka Bar Association.


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Kentaro Kitagawa, a 65-year-old lawyer

Nope - not a lawyer anymore. Just a rapist piece of trash.

She was told he "would die if (the rape) was made public, which would inconvenience other prosecutors," she said.

Well, hopefully he does die in prison. Lock him up with some of the men he prosecuted.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

It’ll be interesting to see what kind of sentence he gets.

I bet it’s ridiculously lenient.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Obviously this guy knows the game and knows that if he pleads guilty and shows remorse he will receive a much lighter sentence.

Which is BS.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

What kind of dark forces led to this man acting in this vile and demonic way. Where I come from men like him are locked up in prison and called beasts. They have to be segregated and live in fear of attack from other inmates while the prison officers turn a blind eye.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

What kind of dark forces led to this man acting in this vile and demonic way?

No doubt the same entitled and psychopathic ones that guide him in his day job.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Kitagawa, who was the chief public prosecutor at the time, ignored the woman's pleas to stop assaulting her when she regained consciousness, telling her, "You are my woman now," the Osaka High Public Prosecutors Office said.

He raped her late that night until the early hours of the next day, according to the indictment and prosecutors.

That's straight out of a manga and should've been the end of

0 ( +0 / -0 )

was made public, which would inconvenience other prosecutors,

Well. we wouldn't want that would we.

Or would we?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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