Japan Today
Image: Bodyline

After 21 years, Harajuku’s famous Lolita fashion and cosplay shop is permanently closing

By Casey Baseel, SoraNews24

Harajuku is known as one of Tokyo’s most fashionable districts, and even within the neighborhood, Takeshita Street, aka Takeshita-dori, is known for its particularly unique styles…and even by Takeshita Street standards, Bodyline stands out.

Located on the second floor of the building next to the famous branch of Marion Crepes, Bodyline specializes in cosplay outfits and Lolita fashions, and for 21 years has been supplying everything from billow lacy dresses to catgirl costumes for customers who climb the red staircase leading up to the shop.



In keeping with Takeshita Street’s reputation for being both eclectic and affordable, most of Bodyline’s outfits come in at 5,000 yen or less, and thanks to a sale that started on October 1, prices have just gotten even lower. But while that may sound like great news for fans of the shop, the reason for the sale is that after more than two decades in business, Bodyline will be permanently closing.


“Thank you for you many years of patronage,” says the promotional image for Bodyline’s closing sale, along with the announcement that the store will be closing “at the end of December.” It’s worth bearing in mind that this might not actually mean that Bodyline will remain open until December 31, as many businesses in Japan take a few days off on either side of New Year’s day, which is the largest holiday in Japan. Another reason to make your final Bodyline shopping run sooner rather than later? As shown in the photo below, some of the discounts are extremely deep, such as items marker down from 7,699 yen to 770 yen and from 1,099 yen to 110 yen, and those items will only be available while the current stock lasts.

On the bright side, the shop’s closing won’t mean the end of the brand itself, as Bodyline’s online sales will continue. However, with Harajuku being the company’s only physical location, this is going to be the last opportunity to see the items in person before you buy, so if you’ve got an interest in Lolita fashion or cosplay, Bodyline Harajuku should be getting a spot on your to-visit list while in Tokyo.

Location information


Address: Shibuya-ku Jingumae 1-6-15, Harajuku Junes 2nd floor

東京都渋谷区神宮前1丁目6−15 原宿ジュネス2F

Open 11 a.m.-8 p.m.


Source: Bodyline via IT Media

Insert images: Bodyline

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What is the reason for closing what looks like a thriving shopfront business? It wasn't profitable (enough)?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )


No great loss IMO

Cosplay caters to the immature Japanese psyche.

So trivial.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

so if you’ve got an interest in Lolita fashion or cosplay, Bodyline Harajuku should be getting a spot on your to-visit list while in Tokyo.

Yeaaah... I'll pass

1 ( +3 / -2 )

It was a great story. However, there are new shops opening all around Harajuku.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Oh dear, I wonder where 'Bandmaid' will get there new stage outfits from. I hope they stay the same, it is a great fun watching them perform the way they are dressed on stage.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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