Japan Today

Japan weather bureau says no signs of El Nino, La Nina now


Japan's weather bureau said on Thursday there were neither signs of El Nino nor La Nina phenomena at this moment, but it is approaching characteristics of La Nina.

The bureau also said characteristics of La Nina will become clearer towards winter but won't last long, adding that the possibilities of La Nina forming and normal weather conditions continuing are split 50-50.

El Nino is a warming of ocean surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific. La Nina is characterized by unusually cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific region and is linked to floods and drought.

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Oh no! Global warmin…. Oh wait.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Global air flows have changed a lot, hence we see more and bigger typhoons, hurricanes, etc than before and with a changed moving pattern. No way to put out a forecast for the weather a few months ahead, when they can't even predict the weather for the next day, at least in my little place on the side of the mountains...And that is even before we start to discuss how open a conservative institution like this is to new types of calculating changed patterns...

1 ( +2 / -1 )

There was an unusual triple-dip La Nina, mostly during lockdown, and then El Nino last year. Many skiers see this oscillation as affecting winter in Japan, which is a big reason why people pay attention to it.

Last winter was unusual in that it was mostly so-so for snow (typical El Nino), before what felt like the first cold and snowy March for fifteen-twenty years. For people who ski, the very clear trend this century has been for the snow season to start later and end earlier, especially spring coming earlier. Due to this, March 2024 was a surprise, a welcome throwback to happier times in the past.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

“Oh no! Global warmin…. Oh wait.” You clearly don’t understand climate change with a comment like that.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

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