Japan Today

4th man arrested over Tokyo house robbery

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Police in Tokyo have arrested a 29-year-old man on suspicion of robbery and assault during a home invasion in a house in Nerima Ward.

According to police, the incident occurred at around 2:50 a.m. on September 28, Sankei Shimbun reported. Police said Noriyuki Kawasaki, a company employee from Ichikawa City, Chiba Prefecture, is believed to have been a lookout, and is the fourth person to be arrested for the crime.

Three men broke into the home of a man in his 50s, and stole 11 watches, including a Rolex, and other items worth a total of about 1.5 million yen. They assaulted the man and his son who is in his 20s.

Police said Kawasaki told them he applied for a "part-time job with immediate payment" posted on X. It is believed that the four suspects were contacted by someone using the highly confidential communications app Signal.

Police said the three other suspects, who have all been arrested, said they had also answered an ad on Signal that said “Part-time work available with same-day payment.”

The app had been deleted from their smartphones by the time they were arrested, police said.

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Police said Kawasaki told them he applied for a "part-time job with immediate payment" posted on X.

And again the only ones facing justice are the fools that respond to the announcement well knowing they will assume all the risks for a tiny portion of the illicit profits. Meanwhile the organizers get their share without ever having to risk their necks.

Hardly surprising that the grunts never have the wits to escape the police, a big requirement in the recruitment seems to be to get them as unintelligent as possible.

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