Japan Today

virusrex comments

Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? See in context

Good luck to you. Pray you don't learn the hard way.

Don't learn what? that hearsay is not an argument? That is the whole point.

Thinking that making obvious arguments that don't hold somehow means the person must blindly believe the opposite makes no sense either. My point is simply that trying to force a personal belief you hold as if it were a fact is not valid.

There's a bunch of women laughing at a white knight dying on his own sword.

Nonsensical as well, proving that you have no argument in no way makes anybody a white knight nor it automatically means the opposite extreme in beliefs, it just means that people can poke many holes in your arguments so there is nothing objective about what you claimed about women.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe See in context

I hope they close that corrupt Chinese organisation down immedit

Which one? the one that repeatedly and harshly criticized the Chinese government because of their way of dealing with the beginnings of the pandemic, because they didn't allowed international researchers to properly investigate the way the virus spread from animals and the way the government caused thousands of unnecessary deaths by abandoning the zero case tolerance without first properly inoculating the population?

Because it would be impossible to believe that the CCP allows a Chinese organization to do any of those things.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? See in context


Yes, hearsay, you quote zero numbers that prove family courts don't hold women accountable when they are discovered in adultery, just what you say happens, this is hearsay. There is zero numbers about this on the full article. Just your claim without any basis.

My friends are lawyers here in Japan. I get my information from the source.

Hearsay again, without credentials or at least a source this claim is impossible to confirm, so it has no value as an argument. Someone saying that his friends are judges on family court and they say you are completely incorrect would have the same "argument". Would that be enough to prove it? after all their friends "outrank" your friends.

I've supported my friends who have suffered the worse

Again hearsay, anybody saying they supported friends that have it "the worst" and say the opposite would have again the same argument.

I've got over 30+ years living here in Japan.

Appeals to authority from anonymous accounts are meaningless, if someone comes and say you are wrong and he has been in Japan for 80 years, would that be enought?

I'm not without my own personal stories

Which again are hearsay without any way to confirm them, in the same way, someone with double the amount of stories that say you are wrong, would prove it so because of it?

Listen, I'm not mad at the women for doing what they want to do. 

Irrelevant, the problem is that you are making baseless claims, so unless you can give logic arguments or reference to prove them they can be ignored as without value as arguments, the motivation you have to make this non-arguments do nothing so change the lack of value they have.

However, I am telling you that I know what I know.

But you are also telling that you can't support what you supposedly know, and can't refute the examples that refute your claims even from the same article (such as the Miss Japan example).

The problem is not a "difference of opinion" as you misrepresent, the problem is that you are making claims that were easily refuted and try to defend those claims only with completely unverifiable hearsay. Believing in something (no matter how much) do not make that something actually correct, for that you need to argue and present evidence.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Facebook, TikTok harden EU commitment to tackle disinformation -- but not X See in context

This is just a baseless claim and does not relate to the issue at hand.

Of course it is not baseless, the scientific consensus is a perfectly valid argument to consider that something is correct or not, even if you personally have a deep antiscientific bias.

And of course it is related to the issue, your comment makes a completely false claim, the information the US government is censoring is not incorrect, and the reason they give is completely incorrect.

Not to mention that even if correct it would be exactly what Vance is criticizing, something that even you recognize the moment you fail to address this argument.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? See in context

Cheating doesn't even exist from the mans side

So you think there is no example where a man feels cheated when his wife (or girlfriend, lover, etc.) sees another man behind his back? Like, Othello became a famous play because men found it impossible to understand?

is it a coincidence that every culture in the world accepted and promoted alpha males to positions of power

The "alpha male" concept is a myth


Women are treated differently because of gender discrimination, cheating is just one of the many ways women are treated differently without having a real justification, the same as blindly assuming they are better at housechores or raising kids, and worse at positions of power.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? See in context

@virusrex There are many intangibles in life. 

Then the only position you can take is that you don't know, not just making up imaginary numbers and claim that is what is real.

Any survey or the conclusions can be dismissed

Only if you can identify objective arguments to do it, else you are just making the mistake of thinking that if something is not 100% reliable (nothing is) then it is 0% reliable, that is not rational.

We are seeking honest dialogue here

Being honestly mistaken because of obvious logical problems is not useful in any dialogue. Being honest would be to recognize you have no idea how much (if any) more secretive women are, or how this would affect the results of a survey.

However, being respectful, you are more than welcome to live in your reality. 

When someone is able to use logic and valid arguments to refute claims you make that means it is also your reality, even if you decide to be in denial of it.

When sex became separated from procreation, the need to attach it solely to marriage became redundant. Its not 'cheating', its enjoying someone else's company. 

It is cheating when you promise someone to be in an exclusive relationship.

 If women cheat, they are not held accountable by the Family Courts in Japan.

Hearsay is not enough to be able to claim this, the article gives a very clear example with the well reported case of the Miss Japan winner that was forced to resign her crown for dating a married man, meanwhile there was no apparent social punishment for the man. Women are routinely being sued for adultery as well, the excuses do not automatically eliminate consequences for the women.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Posted in: Facebook, TikTok harden EU commitment to tackle disinformation -- but not X See in context

No, the US government is ensuring that the correct information is disseminated.

It is not, when something goes against the scientific consensus then it is not correct.

But even if it was, then it is doing exactly what Vance is criticizing, prevent a grown man or woman from accessing an opinion that the government thinks is misinformation

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? See in context

The key word here is "admit". Women are 10x times more secretive than men. 

That is a non sequitur. If women are more secretive on a study that only means you don't have reliable information to form a conclusion about them. Not to mention that this is just a prejudice without evidence to support the claim.

So, you conclusion that women cheat more is based on two invalid premises, one that you think (without proving) that women are more secretive, the second that in absence of reliable information you can just assume an imaginary number and pretend that is the real percentage of women that cheat.

3 ( +9 / -6 )

Posted in: Trump administration cuts reach FDA employees in food safety, medical devices and tobacco products See in context

RFK Jr.will start to do that and his team

He is going in the opposite direction, not doing anything in comparison would be better, so objectively the cuts are the opposite of good.

Absolutely, that’s why I was for RFK Jr.

You mean the guy that made a business from fear mongering fluoride in tap water in order to sell bottled water... with higher concentration of fluoride than tap water? If anything he is already doing his best to decrease the safety of anything under his charge.

I don’t think they have been transparent as they should have been.

Which does nothing to simply firing the people in charge of doing the job, no information is the maximum amount of opacity you can get.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Posted in: Facebook, TikTok harden EU commitment to tackle disinformation -- but not X See in context

U.S. Vice President JD Vance slammed the DSA during his speech on Tuesday at the AI summit in Paris, saying it was not up to national capitals to "prevent a grown man or woman from accessing an opinion that the government thinks is misinformation".

Yet that is precisely what the US government is doing by ordering scientists to stop all forms of communication with the public and taking down all the information pages that don't conform with their mistaken and deeply antiscientific view about gender and sexuality.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Posted in: What is the cheating culture in Japan really like? See in context

It seems once wedding vows are said, and the first kid comes along, cheating is the norm here.

According to the numbers in the article it is as much of a norm than in other countries that were investigated in the same way.

5 ( +10 / -5 )

Posted in: WHO calls for tobacco-style cancer warning labels on alcoholic drinks across Europe See in context

The warning labels should have been in place from a long time ago, even if only to make the situation congruent with what is done with tobacco. Still, it may not have such a strong effect since alcohol lead to much more immediate health problems compared with cancer that people are usually well aware of.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Posted in: Jay-Z, Sean Combs accuser drops sexual assault lawsuit See in context

There should be consequences for filing frivolous claims like this.

The article helpfully includes this:

It was not immediately clear if the stars had reached a settlement with the woman.

If the criminals pay out the victims to drop their lawsuits that does not make the claim frivolous. That would apply if they go to trial and it is proved so.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: U.S. President Donald Trump wants to ban paper straws and go back to using plastic ones. Which do you prefer: plastic or paper straws? See in context

I never said that I was.

Then why are you replying to a comment referring to what other people say?

Is it so bad that people can comment things you don't like that you feel the need to control it?

Which again did not refer to what you wrote but what other account did. What is the point on explaining what other accounts comment as if you did it yourself?

I mean, if your point is that you never said something people are responding to, it should be a huge hint the response is directed to what other people are saying, or at least to another account.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Japan in contact with U.S. over tariffs; says it will respond appropriately See in context

I would like to think Japan is going to protect their interests with a strong response if necessary, but probably the politicians are already deciding how to take whatever punishment is dealt with tariffs.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan main opposition party pushes PM to rework budget plan See in context

virusrex - One might argue that the removal of the gasoline surcharge and free high school education are for the benefit of the population

Apparently yes, but color me skeptic.

I would love to be wrong and that time proves the opposition is more interested in bringing long term benefits for the population as an strategy to get more power, but that would be too good to believe for me.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Did cuts to shipping emissions spur more global warming? See in context

Seems to be more evidence for what is termed "global dimming".

Global dimming is accepted as something that happens and can affect the planet, which is why global engineering solutions for climate change have been proposed.

The problem is that the repercussions of these kind of global measures are difficult to predict and could make secondary problems appear. What is accepted is that pollution as a way to cause global dimming is not justified, the huge negative consequences do not outweigh the apparently modest benefits against climate change.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Posted in: TEPCO takes on challenge of making space for Fukushima nuclear debris See in context

I cant begin to imagine when this is going to be completed (at least to the point where the danger is limited properly) but 14 years to begin just to make the space for storing the material does not make me very optimistic about it.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Posted in: Japan main opposition party pushes PM to rework budget plan See in context

In a very limited way it is good that the opposition is showing even a little bit of teeth.

Now if only this was done for the benefit of the population...

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

You believe lawyers making legal arguments are enough to be called validly a legal hurdle.

You believe the article description of the problems is not enough to be called validly a legal hurdle.

I believe the article is correct and you have not offered any evidence the term is incorrectly used.

What source do you have to support that claim?

Your comments, where there is no reference proving any kind of requirement for the term prove the claim that the claim you made is baseless.

The lack of evidence proves my claim that there is no evidence.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Trump administration fires CDC 'disease detectives' as bird flu fears rise See in context

I've refuted you stated one thing, nonsensical at that, and then you present a source that says another thing.

Not at all, your current position is that the specific terminology is necessary to convey the same meaning, which is nonsense.

What's the fallacy called when someone says "It is so because I say it is!"?

You mean the fallacy when someone tries to ignore the quoted text from a well recognized source that proves the claim just because it does not use exactly the same words?

I'm completely focused on the quotes that are completely different from what you wrote.

Not at all, you have not mentioned even once, much less argued how they convey a different meaning.

Once again you are just claiming they say something different, but without proving it with any argument.

They do clearly prove the point.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

You believe a lawyer making a legal argument is a "legal hurdle"?

You believe the article description of the problems is not enough to be called validly a legal hurdle.

Yet you have been repeatedly incapable to prove it by any reference that says anything is "required" for the term to be used validly.

My claim, is that without that reference your claim is still absolutely baseless.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

Show me in the article where it says anything is a "legal hurdle" as I first asked.

Again, you are the one making a claim, that the term "legal hurdle" is wrong in the article, you are then the one that have to support that claim with evidence.

If you accept that you have no such evidence and therefore the term is not incorrectly used, that is fine. My claim (that I have to support) is that your claim of the article being wrong is completely baseless, it coincide with what other people have argued as well.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

Where is the legal source in the article as you think?

The lawyers make legal arguments, you have never provided any source that say these do not represent legal hurdles.

Nowhere did I day a filing is the only way to qualify something as a legal hurdle.

Then you are accepting that the article do correctly call the problems legal hurdles even when no filling is done.

If you cannot comprehend the sentence, that says alot.

When you are unable to refute the argument and instead claim lack of comprehension that is what says a lot.

Case is closed because you have not shown any legal hurdle here

You are the one that have not shown that to call anything a legal hurdle it is required a ruling, filing, challenge, etc. If that makes your arguments closed that is your prerogative, but the argument is still defeated since you have brought no source to prove "necessity".

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Posted in: Trump administration fires CDC 'disease detectives' as bird flu fears rise See in context

You are making one argument, then using a source that does not support your claims.

As explained it completely does, your new argument was that it needed to use the exact words, which is too obviously nonsensical. You have not been able to refute any of the quoted texts as supportive of the claim being made.

The source is clear and explicit, so much that you need to completely ignore the quotes to criticize it, that means it do prove the original comment was not false in any way.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Posted in: Jessica Chastain tackles U.S.-Mexico politics in new film 'Dreams' See in context

The description of the film seems quite interesting, but sometimes the execution of the concepts can be botched by making the situations "anvilicious", Subtlety can do a lot of work in these kind of movies with a heavy and complex theme.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

No, I wrote There is no court order, no TRO in place, no preliminary or temproary injunction, These are legal hurdles.

These are ALSO legal hurdles, not only.

So in my source quoted, it showed a filing by one party that was defeated by the other party. That filing was the legal hurdle.

But in no part your source says the filing is the only way to qualify something as a legal hurdle, so it fails to support your claim.

Can you quote in this article where any party has filed against the theaters? If not, then there is no legal hurdle.

Can you quote from this article where a judge ordered the theaters not to show the film? If not then there is no legal hurdle.

Unnecessary since you have repeatedly failed to prove this is a requirement, just that you mistakenly believed so.

So, case not so closed then?

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Only 9% of Japanese people have used generative AI: survey See in context

Considering that real, human Chinese would be very hesitant to answer those questions and be extremely careful if they did DeepSeek is accurately following human behavior

The people that use a tool prefer for this tool to be accurate, not what they can mimic. Is like having a hammer that is only as hard as a human hand.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

I did in my posts above.

As the replies easily proved you have not, you keep bringing examples of things that can ALSO be considered legal hurdles, but never any where the situation in the article can not be considered one.

That is still something you keep claiming without proving it with any reference.

You are completely free to "close" your arguments, but when they can be easily refuted you are just accepting you can't defend them.

The article is perfectly correct in calling the situations "legal hurdles", unless you can finally bring a definition of "legal hurdle" that clarifies that legal rulings, or files, etc. are necessary for this.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Posted in: Legal hurdles keep high-profile rape victim's film off Japan screens See in context

You misread. Read the example again. You'll the legal hurdle was the challenge filed by a group of labor. 

No misreading, your claim is based completely on NOT including things as hurdles, nothing in your source says that "challenges filed" is a requirement for something to be called a legal hurdle, only that this is ALSO validly called so.

It is the difference between something being sufficient and something being necessary.

You have not provided any source that says it is necessary to file challenges.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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