Japan Today
Image: Pakutaso

Japan voted Best Country in world for 2nd year in a row in Conde Nast Traveler poll

By Casey Baseel, SoraNews24

Conde Nast Traveler has released the results of its Readers’ Choice Awards, and for the second year in a row, Japan has been voted Best Country.

Japan finished with a score of 95.32 in the annual user survey, followed by Switzerland at 94.62 and Thailand at 92.29.

A detailed breakdown of the scoring system isn’t provided, but in announcing the results Conde Nast references pent-up demand for travel to Japan, which was one of the very last countries to re-open to international leisure travel following the start of the coronavirus pandemic, with restrictions in place even as the eyes of the world turned to Japan during the Tokyo Olympics.

The Games being over doesn’t mean that there’s a lack of things to see and do in Japan, though, and Conde Nast cites such myriad attractions as the country’s iconic cherry blossoms and Ghibli Park as being big draws for visitors from overseas, along with historical architecture, avant-garde art events, and delicious food and drink. Japan also ranked sixth in the survey’s rankings of Friendliest Countries in the World, and Tokyo placed sixth on its list of Friendliest Cities in the World.

▼ The Park Hyatt Kyoto was voted Japan’s best hotel in the survey

Image: PR Times

Not mentioned in the announcement, but impossible to ignore, is the impact of current currency exchange rates. During the last two years the yen has been extremely weak, making travel in Japan its most affordable in a generation for inbound international travelers. With Conde Nast being primarily focused on luxury travel, cost might not seem like it would be a major concern for its readers, but the immensely favorable exchange rate is allowing those with moderately deep pockets to enjoy some of Japan’s finest high-end travel experiences, with the added bonus of enjoying them in a country with highly developed travel infrastructure even outside of resort areas.

It’s unclear how long the exchange rate will be so attractive for foreign tourists. Japan’s unique cultural mix of modern and classical elements, though, and its penchant for blending home-grown traditions with intriguing influences from outside its borders, are fundamental parts of its society, though, and so it’s going to remain a great place to visit for years to come.

Source: Conde Nast Traveler

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"....along with historical architecture"

Crazy. Japan has about the least amount of "historical architecture" than anywhere else in the world, unless you count the replica buildings like temples that are extensively rebuilt every 30 years or so.

Gotta question the veracity of this survey.

-10 ( +8 / -18 )

Japan is great! I love living here.

6 ( +12 / -6 )

The Park Hyatt Kyoto is not the usual kind of hotel people stay in. The usual hotel ranges from a capsule hotel to a bigger capsule. I think the readers who choose Conde Nast Traveller selections are not necessarily usual travellers.

-9 ( +5 / -14 )

"" A detailed breakdown of the scoring system isn’t provided, ""

Other than safety and fast transportation I don't see how could Japan be second but either way Good News for Japan, congrats.

6 ( +9 / -3 )

Tokyo... is... friendly?

Polite, yes, maybe. But "Friendly" is far down on the list of adjectives I would use.

-5 ( +12 / -17 )

This article is one big joke.

Tokyo placed sixth on its list of Friendliest Cities in the World.

Anyone who says this has never lived here or spent much time here at all

along with historical architecture

A few temples. Otherwise it's ugly concrete boxes everywhere.

The Park Hyatt Kyoto was voted Japan’s best hotel in the survey

Even with the exchange rate, most aren't staying at high end hotels. It'll be minpaku creating a nuisance to neighbours or business hotels with tiny rooms and crappy breakfasts who won't let you check in at 14:59.

-9 ( +8 / -17 )

Glad to see the usual rigorous standards applied to this poll, i.e. a full breakdown of the age, nationality, socioeconomic status, travel experience, and gender of the participating members.

Otherwise Conde Nast could just as well have made the whole thing up to attract comments and controversy.

Nah, that would be cynical and dishonest...

0 ( +7 / -7 )

A few temples. Otherwise it's ugly concrete boxes everywhere.

Reading this, a passage from Alex Kerr's "Dogs and Demons" came to mind. I don't recall off hand if it was his own idea or if he was quoting someone else, but the gist of it was that the Japanese have an ability to "narrow their focus", by which he meany they'll see a stream flowing through the countryside and yet somehow not see the brutalist-designed factory right next to it.

This might be what's going on with this poll. People will go to a temple or shrine and conveniently not see the vending machines and not hear the endless broadcast announcements spoiling the atmosphere.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

"Best country" in the world is highly subjective.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Any country is ‘friendly’ if one has the means to stay in a five star hotel.

Journalists reviewing luxurious hotels and restaurants on a two week jaunt here don’t have a clue.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Otherwise Conde Nast could just as well have made the whole thing up to attract comments and controversy.

Nah, that would be cynical and dishonest...

Yeah, sounds plausible - Conde Nast could be making it up because it has a vested interest in pushing Japan up its readership favorability ranking and attracting controversy. Sounds like quite a conspiracy - maybe we could tie MAGA to it somehow? Lol. Or maybe it's just that Conde Nast readers think Japan is a great tourist destination with interesting culture where they can enjoying spending their luxury holiday for a relatively low price, thanks to the yen in the gutter phenomena.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Yeah, sounds plausible - Conde Nast could be making it up because it has a vested interest in pushing Japan up its readership favorability ranking and attracting controversy. Sounds like quite a conspiracy - maybe we could tie MAGA to it somehow? Lol. Or maybe it's just that Conde Nast readers think Japan is a great tourist destination with interesting culture where they can enjoying spending their luxury holiday for a relatively low price, thanks to the yen in the gutter phenomena.

I'm a natural cynic when it comes to these "polls", "awards", and so on. There's always some mutual back-scratching going on.

I mean Japan's great, no question. I wouldn't have spent 20 years living here if I thought otherwise, but these puff pieces are lame.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Great place to visit if you have a very large pile of money. Awful place to live especially if you are a corporate slave.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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