Japan Today

Farmer arrested over theft of 150 kilograms of onions in Kyoto Prefecture


Police in Kyoto have arrested a 35-year-old farmer on suspicion of stealing 150 kilograms of onions from a field owned by an agricultural corporation in Yawata, Kyoto Prefecture.

Police said the theft occurred sometime between 3 p.m. on Sept 19 and 7:30 a.m. the next day, TBS reported. The stolen Kujo green onions were worth about 105,000 yen. The onions had been cut off from the roots just before harvest.

Police said the suspect, Gen Kikuchi, who lives in Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, and is an onion grower himself, has denied the allegation, saying he has no recollection of the crime. Police said Kikuchi emerged as a suspect after an analysis of surveillance camera footage taken near the onion field.

There has been a series of thefts of Kujo green onions this year, mainly in Kumiyama, adjacent to Yawata, and last month another suspect in his 20s was arrested.

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The onions had been cut off from the roots just before harvest.

I thought the "onion" was the root?

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Some people have been arguing that it's only been people from Southeast Asia who have been commiting these agricultural thefts

4 ( +6 / -2 )

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