Japan Today

Cross-dressing man arrested for entering women's changing room at bathhouse


Police in Nagoya have arrested a 22-year-old man who went into the women's changing room at a public bathhouse.

According to police, the man, who is a vocational school teacher, entered the changing room at the bathhouse in Nakagawa Ward for about 30 minutes from around 10 a.m. on Saturday, TBS reported. He was wearing a skirt, a wig and a face mask.

A woman in the room who thought he was suspicious notified a male staff member at the facility. The man was detained when he came out of the changing room, and held until police arrived.

Police quoted the man as saying,"I didn't go in to see naked women."

Police said they are analyzing his smartphone to see if he filmed anyone at the facility or any other bathhouses.

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What a sicko! Who knows what he was planning to get up to.

1 ( +9 / -8 )


Police Q: “Did you go in there to see naked women?”

A: “No, I didn’t.”

Witness statement: “I didn’t go in there to see naked women.”

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

of course he was just there to analyze the bathing facilities

-3 ( +5 / -8 )

Apparently he identifies as a bath towel for women's change rooms....

1 ( +10 / -9 )

And yet some people will tell you that there is no possible danger of allowing anyone to "self identify" and use whichever changing room suits them at the time.

6 ( +20 / -14 )

Disgusting pervert.

-4 ( +5 / -9 )

The mask did not help, as usual. :-}

-6 ( +4 / -10 )

Is he really a 'cross dresser', or just a clever dick?

Considering the mask, as Patricia mentions, it sounds as if he is a liar, at least.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Disgusting pervert.

It’s the same with all men who pretend to be women and invade their spaces both literally and figuratively.

-2 ( +9 / -11 )

Very likely to be a heterosexual man who is a sexual predator.

Good on the patrons of the bathhouse for speaking up and getting the creep arrested.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Good to see that common sense remains in Japan. I many Western countries he could have just "identified" as female, and the onsen would be forced to accept him.

2 ( +12 / -10 )

This, as could be expected, opened up a big ole’ can o’ worms.

-1 ( +5 / -6 )

Not a surprise in this current environment.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

"Cross-dressing man arrested for entering women's changing room at bathhouse."

Perhaps he was looking for attention or bring this issue to people's attention and it seems he was successful. Now people are talking about it right?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Nagoya has a rather large trans/cross-dressing community. Many crossdressers would like to transition but cannot for various reasons. Most of them wear masks due to insecurity and not draw attention to themselves.

The fact is this person is most likely attracted to men, but just trying to feel like a woman by going into a female onsen. It would be way more dangerous for a crossdresser/trans women to walk into a male onsen.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Very likely to be a heterosexual man who is a sexual predator.

By that logic men who do not enter women's changing rooms are very likely gay, but not sexual predators.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )

Very likely to be a heterosexual man who is a sexual predator.

But if he's a "trans" sexual predator, then it's okay?

(cough cough) double standards (cough cough)

1 ( +6 / -5 )

But if he's a "trans" sexual predator, then it's okay?

Why would that be OK?

Weird comment.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

In Japan, he’s a criminal.

In the US, he’s brave and beautiful (or some bollocks).

The majority of Americans think this should be a crime, too, but nobody dares to say anything because the progressive patrol will try to come after you and get you fired for daring to disagree with them. People who identify as very liberal make up about 9% of the US adult population, but they have the other 90% or so walking on eggshells, and they basically control the media.

I’m glad to see that Japan has common sense yet.

9 ( +11 / -2 )

This not the first time a man/boy has entered a woman/girls bathhouse changing room dressed as a woman.

I doubt if it will be the last.

The police came and took "him" into custody.

The question is when a "fully equipped" biological man identifies as a woman, insists "he" has a right to remain.

Women and young girls/boys safe spaces will be in danger/jeopardy.

3 ( +5 / -2 )

In the onsens/sentos women employees enter the men's section frequently.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Very likely to be a heterosexual man who is a sexual predator..

So how can these types of establishments tell the difference between" heterosexual male sexual predators in a dress" and genuine trans women ( a non predatory man in a dress)?

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Istonlyrockandroll -

Women and young girls/boys safe spaces will be in danger/jeopardy.

What about gay males using the safe spaces of young boys ie change rooms, sento etc? Surely those boys will be at danger too? There have been many such crimes committed.

1 ( +4 / -3 )


The question is when a "fully equipped" biological man identifies as a woman, insists "he" has a right to remain.

Women and young girls/boys safe spaces will be in danger/jeopardy.

Exactly that is a huge problem in the US (and now creeping into European countries too), with the introduction of "identity" into gender rules. In a sane world, "identity" would of course have nothing to do with rules based on biological reality. We see the results of this already in sports, prisons, etc.

3 ( +7 / -4 )


I have a gay/lesbian dear friends both here in Japan and UK, I understand from time to time have enjoyed Onsen where young boys would be present with family.

Gay men in my experience are not podophiles.

Sometimes I have taken nephews and nieces to Onsen's accompanying me into female only spaces.

A biological man still "fully intact" entering a female only area, bathhouses, Onsen's is simply a "red line" for me.

I would be very upset, embarrassed, it would be so unacceptably inappropriate distressful to scream blue murder.


The politics of Trans identity, where the law will criminalize my resistance to accept such Trans "empowerment" will render women young girls safe spaces obsolete.

That is what we have come to, where it will end.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

I wonder if bath houses will have to build another area for " other bathers" one strictly for men, one strictly for women, all I can say to the Japanese people please don't pamper to this small minority of people who identify as a x, y and z, the UK has, and it's gone bonkers, my daughter's works in a school, and several children now identify as a cat, the staff have to give these children a saucer of milk at break times, the UK has gone bonkers pampering to this, so please don't change.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


What about gay males using the safe spaces of young boys ie change rooms, sento etc? Surely those boys will be at danger too? There have been many such crimes committed.

That is an unavoidable problem, but it does NOT justify the elimination of female spaces by allowing biological males to self-declare as females.

Fwiw, this insanity exists only in the Western world, and even there it is a new phenomenon. Good to see that Japan is still resisting.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

Gay men in my experience are not podophiles.

Gay men are "not paedophiles"? They most certainly can be - just as much as heterosexual men, cross-dressers, "transexuals" and so on. Reading crime news around the world confirms this.

Bottom line - sadly perverts come in all identities, and it is incumbent upon the parents/carers of children to protect them - especially in bathrooms, public bathing areas etc.

A biological man still "fully intact" entering a female only area, bathhouses, Onsen's is simply a "red line" for me.

I would be very upset, embarrassed, it would be so unacceptably inappropriate distressful to scream blue murder.

You are right to be very wary, and on the lookout for these types. You should be equally careful for "fully intact" gay men in male change rooms.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Brian Wheway

I wonder if bath houses will have to build another area for " other bathers" one strictly for men, one strictly for women, 

This is what they have now. He did not enter a "konyoku", where he would be welcome.

Probably what you mean is re-naming the areas as for "bathers with male genitalia" and "bathers with female genitalia" --- I suppose this will now have to be specified...

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

Cross dressers are not transexuals.


-3 ( +4 / -7 )

The whole idea of “identification” is that it matches a visual representation of you.

if your passport shows 205cm Asian male and no one who sees you believes that from seeing you cause you don’t match that- it’s a problem.

your “identification” is broken or false or purposefully deceptive.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )


The whole idea of “identification” is that it matches a visual representation of you.

> if your passport shows 205cm Asian male

How many 205 cm males do you know?

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

I think he did it because he wanted to see naked women. What do you think of my brilliant insight?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )


your "face" is the only requirement for ID. Not the clothes you are wearing.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Who mentioned clothes?

I know lots of 205cm males, not that it matters.

180cm male the idea is unchanged if you look 150cm visually.

and no, ID obviously has your hair and eye color, height and weight and gender and sometimes nationality. Not just your “face”

-3 ( +3 / -6 )


Cross dressers are not transexuals.


What goes on in their mind is irrelevant to the issue of biological men invading spaces of biological women. You can speculate endlessly about how someone else feels; that should have no relevance for rules pertaining to biological reality.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )


Cross dressers are not transexuals.


What goes on in their mind is irrelevant to the issue of biological men invading spaces of biological women. You can speculate endlessly about how someone else feels; that should have no relevance for rules pertaining to biological reality.

I never suggested the man did not do wrong entering a woman's dressing room. But then the comments appear saying cross-dressers are transsexuals but they are not. Just trying to ensure the correct terms are used.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


Clothes would be the only sign of a cross-dresser.

I know lots of 205cm males, not that it matters.

How many 205cm Asians do you know?

and no, ID obviously has your hair and eye color, height and weight and gender and sometimes nationality. Not just your “face”

We can say the head is the only factor for ID when presenting your passport to ID. Certainly not how you are dressed. Mostly just a glance at the face which is often out of date.

0 ( +3 / -3 )


what ID do you have that shows more than just your face? Your driving license, passport, Residents Card, and My Number only show your face.

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Back on topic please.


I never suggested the man did not do wrong entering a woman's dressing room. But then the comments appear saying cross-dressers are transsexuals but they are not. Just trying to ensure the correct terms are used.

I do not think anyone suggested that. The point being made was that today in some Western countries today he could have made his actions entirely legal by "identifying" as one rather than the other.

As the difference between the two is based on self-identiy, and not on verifiable reality.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Which country allows transwomen to enter a female toilet or dressing room? Some have all-gender restrooms and dressing rooms.

In many countries there are no laws about men entering a women's restroom or changing room.

1 ( +4 / -3 )

It seems to me you are completely missing the point that "Black Label" made.

he totally does not get it. It’s intentional, I guess.

In many countries there are no laws about men entering a women's restroom or changing room.

obvious things like this shouldn’t need “laws”. The names of things often tell you what they are and who they are for.

Walk into a woman’s rest room in most coutures as a man and you will be arrested, like this guy was.

And as you should be to eliminate this “identify as” nonsense.

the left just struggles so mightily recently to define what a “woman” is.

-3 ( +3 / -6 )


Which country allows transwomen to enter a female toilet or dressing room?

Which country? Start with the US. Based on the new version of Title 9, the cross dresser in this story would have been totally legal if he identified as female.

In many countries there are no laws about men entering a women's restroom or changing room.

Not sure if this such a thing needs a law. If anyone can enter, then such spaces are by definition co-sex and not "womens" spaces.

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

Here we go, often happens in the West now it’s happening here too, can you believe it?

-4 ( +2 / -6 )


Here we go, often happens in the West now it’s happening here too, can you believe it?

Err, what? He was arrested, which is exactly what should happen.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )


The fact he away in there and thought it’s ok is the problem. Keep protecting women and children from these freaks.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

Men have been doing this for centuries, dressed as women or not. Ask Mark Robinson.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


Life is simple. "bathers with male genitalia" are called "men," and "bathers with female genitalia" women.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

The man was arrested but what charges can be brought?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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