Japan Today
Image: iStock/kuremo

Man stabbed in parked car in Miyazaki dies; acquaintance arrested


Police in Miyazaki City, Miyazaki Prefecture, have arrested a 67-year-old man on suspicion of murder after he allegedly stabbed a 65-year-old acquaintance in the neck while they were in a parked car.

According to police, at around 6 a.m. Sunday, a passerby walking along a street near a park east of Miyazaki Station called 110 to report that "there is a man inside a car and he is bleeding from the neck,” NHL reported.

When police arrived, they found Kazuo Hamasaka, whose address and occupation are unknown, bleeding profusely from his neck. He was taken to hospital where he was confirmed dead.

Police arrested Yukio Ogata who was at the scene, on suspicion of attempted murder. The charge was later changed to murder. A knife believed to be the murder weapon was found at the scene.

Police said Ogata has admitted stabbing Hamasaki and that the two were acquaintances.

Police said another passerby had witnessed the two arguing just before the 110 call was made.

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Yak dispute.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

In Japan ambulance with EMT and equipment isn’t the first thing or even considered. So many of these people probably could be saved if proper people on 110 were sent immediately. I was told that even many ambulances don’t even have emt or equipment and are just a taxi to a hospital. Is that true? One time I can remember calling 911 in America and everyone shows up. Ambulance was the first actually and in what seemed seconds. Their call to arrival time in the big city is like 5 mins. Wonder what Japan speed is?

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

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