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Election 2024 Harris
Democratic presidential nominee Vice President Kamala Harris, participates in an interview with Charlamagne Tha God, co-host of iHeartMedia's morning show The Breakfast Club, in Detroit, Tuesday, Oct. 15, 2024. (AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin)

Harris and Trump offer new details about policies and strategy in dueling interviews


As the presidential race moves into its final weeks, Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump embarked on an interview blitz that offered new details about their policy priorities and their political strategies.

In recent days, Harris has sat with Charlamagne tha God, whose radio show is especially popular among younger and Black audiences, and on Wednesday was interviewed on Fox News, typically a safe haven for Republicans. Trump, meanwhile, participated in a contentious interview with the editor of Bloomberg News at an economic forum in Chicago, though the crowd was friendly to him, and participated in town halls on Fox News and the Spanish-language network Univision.

Here are some takeaways from the cascade of appearances:

Both candidates have largely avoided traditional interviews during the campaign, preferring to sit before friendly hosts, often in nontraditional media settings. The two-day interview marathon was a noteworthy, partial break from that strategy.

Harris, whom the Trump campaign hammered for not doing interviews after replacing President Joe Biden at the top of the Democratic ticket, has ramped up the pace this month. The vice president appeared on ABC's “The View,” spoke with radio host Howard Stern and taped a show with late-night comedian Stephen Colbert, among other appearances. She also sat down with the newsmagazine “60 Minutes,” as is traditional for presidential candidates, while Trump canceled his appearance with the show.

Harris’ appearance on Fox with anchor Bret Baier on Wednesday was designed to show her willingness to face any questioner, especially after Trump bailed on “60 Minutes.”

Harris engaged in a combative interview with Baier, sparring on immigration policy and shifting policy positions while asserting that if elected, she would not represent a continuation of Joe Biden's presidency.

Harris’ interview with Baier marked her first foray onto the network, which is popular with conservative viewers, as she looked to broaden her outreach to GOP-leaning voters with less than three weeks until Election Day. Her nearly-30 minute sitdown with Baier repeatedly grew heated, with the two talking over each other, as he pressed her on immigration and her changing policy stances since her first run for president in 2020.

When Baier kept talking as Harris tried to respond to his challenges on immigration, Harris told him, "May I please finish. ... You have to let me finish please.”

Harris tried repeatedly to pivot the conversation to attacking Donald Trump. But she also had plenty to say about herself.

A week after saying she couldn’t think of any move made by Biden that she would have done differently, Harris asserted that “My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.”

Harris did not offer specifics, but said, “Like every new president that comes into office, I will bring my life experiences, and my professional experiences and fresh and new ideas.”

Asked to clarify her assertion that she wants to “turn the page,” though Democrats currently hold the White House, Harris said she is running on “turning the page from the last decade in which we have been burdened with the kind of rhetoric coming from Donald Trump.”

On immigration, Harris expressed regret over the deaths of women who were killed by people who were detained and then released after crossing into the U.S. illegally during the Biden administration, but she criticized Trump for his role in blocking a bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year that would have boosted border funding.

“I am so sorry for her loss, sincerely,” Harris said after Baier played footage of the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray blaming Biden and Harris for her daughter's death.

Harris indicated she no longer supports decriminalizing crossing the border illegally, as she did in 2019.

“That was five years ago and I am very clear that I will follow the law,” she said. She gave the same answer about proposals to allow those in the U.S. illegally to get driver's licenses and subsidized healthcare.

Of Trump, she said, “People are exhausted with someone who professes to be a leader and who spends full time demeaning and engaging in personal grievances." She added, "He’s not stable."

She also sought to focus Fox viewers on Trump's talk of "the enemy within” and threats to punish political rivals.

Baier challenged Harris over her attestations to Biden's mental stamina after his disastrous debate with Trump in June that forced his exit from the 2024 presidential race and her elevation to the top of the ticket. She again defended Biden, but added, “Joe Biden is not on the ballot and Donald Trump is.”

Trump's campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said Harris was “angry, defensive, and once again abdicated any responsibility for the problems Americans are facing.” She added, that if "Kamala can’t handle the pressure of an interview with Fox News—she certainly can’t handle the pressure of being president of the United States.”

Pushing back against Baier's line of questioning at times, Harris at one point told her interviewer, “I would like if we could have a conversation that is grounded in a full assessment of the facts.”

Meanwhile, Trump's interview by Bloomberg editor-in-chief John Micklethwait in Chicago on Tuesday was an unusual appearance before a nonconservative questioner, though the audience frequently cheered him when he clashed with the interviewer. Micklethwait challenged Trump's support for tariffs and his plans to pay for his campaign promises.

He also faced an all-women audience in a Fox News town hall before participating in a town hall on the Spanish-language network Univision, where he faced pointed questions from Latino voters. Like Harris, Trump is trying to broaden his coalition to get the key votes he needs to win the neck-and-neck race. So, for him as well, every interview counts.

Trump has repeatedly said he is proud of his leading role in the reversal of Roe v Wade. But his latest comments on abortion serve as a fresh reminder that the Republican understands that the issue is dangerous politically for him and his party.

He was forced to defend his position when asked a surprisingly pointed question from the all-women audience at a Fox News town hall.

“Women are entitled to do what they want to and need to do with their bodies, including their unborn. That’s on them regardless of the circumstance,” the questioner said. "Some are necessary to save their own lives. Why is the government involved in women’s basic rights?”

Trump initially responded with his typical refrain that the issue had been returned to the states. But he also acknowledged that some of the state laws are “too tough.” And he went further: “And this is going to be redone, because already there’s a movement in those states ... to redo it."

It's not exactly clear what Trump was referring to. There is little evidence that pro-Trump Republican officials in states that have adopted strict abortion bans, some that take effect before many women realize they're pregnant, are taking action to “redo” their laws.

A few states with strict bans have questions on the ballot this year that would roll them back. That includes Florida, where Trump has criticized the ban as too harsh but also said he would vote to uphold the law.

The truth is that the reversal of Roe has been a political disaster for Trump's Republican Party. Women have revolted against the GOP in various elections since the Supreme Court ruling. But Trump is betting that muddying the waters with vague promises and a softer tone might limit the damage come November.

Charlamagne pushed the limits of Harris' rhetoric when the Democrat reminded voters that they had “two choices … and it’s two very different visions for our nation."

“The other is about fascism. Why can’t we just say it?” Charlamagne interjected.

Harris immediately replied: “Yes, we can say that.”

It was the first time that the vice president so directly and publicly agreed with that kind of language to describe Trump. The exchange underscored Harris' decision to revert to a key Biden argument as Election Day draws near: Democracy is on the line on Nov. 5. And, the Democratic argument goes, Trump is unfit to lead because of his lies about the legitimacy of the 2020 election, his role in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot and his consistent authoritarian rhetoric, among other things.

Trump offered a fresh example during his appearances on Fox and Univision.

When pressed about his supporters' violent attack against the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump defended his loyalists. “That was a day of love from the standpoint of the millions," he said on Univision.

He also refused to back down from his weekend comments that his Democratic rivals represent a more serious threat to the United States than China and Russia. Over the weekend and again in the Fox interview, he called them “the enemy within.”

Experts have warned that such language is common among authoritarian leaders seeking to quell dissent.

“It is the enemy from within, and they’re very dangerous. They’re Marxists and communists and fascists,” Trump said on Fox, naming former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who served on the congressional committee that investigated Trump's role in the Jan. 6 insurrection.

“We have China, we have Russia, we have all these countries. If you have a smart president, they can all be handled. The more difficult are, you know, Pelosi, these people, they’re so sick and they’re so evil.”

In an election that could be decided on the margins, every vote counts. In the final stretch toward the election, Trump and Harris are turning their focus to Black men.

Harris, in her interview with Charlamagne, warned that Trump wanted to oversee a return to harsh policing tactics known as “stop and frisk” that disproportionately affect Black men. She promised to push for legislation to address discriminatory law enforcement practices and decriminalize marijuana arrests, which also affect Black men disproportionately. And she said that reparations for ancestors of slaves should be studied, a position that isn’t new but one that Trump has sought to exploit to help strengthen his advantage with white voters.

It was among the first times this campaign season that criminal justice reforms have been a leading talking point for Harris, though they dominated in 2020.

Trump oozed confidence when he addressed Black voters on Tuesday. Both parties concede that while Harris is likely to win Black voters overwhelmingly, Trump is eating into her margins, especially among young Black men. Any significant shift could be consequential in a razor-thin election.

“Any African American or Hispanic, and you know how well I’m doing there, that votes for Kamala, you’ve got to have your head examined,” Trump said.

Harris said part of her challenge is that Trump’s campaign is “trying to scare people away because otherwise they know they have nothing to run on."

“Ask Donald Trump what is his plan for Black America,” she said. “Ask him.”

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Micklethwait challenged Trump's support for tariffs and his plans to pay for his campaign promises.

Trump has shown he has little understanding of tariffs, and if Micklethwait challenged Trump, Micklethwait will probably soon be included in Trump's 'enemies within list', and so might be sent to one of Trump's Project 2025 detention centers where he could watch, maybe participate, in a cage fighting match along with refugees rounded up by the federal gestapo i.e. the US military, the leader of the GOP wants. Phillip K. Dick could not have imagined a world as brutal as the one the establishment pushing 2025 propose.

2 ( +6 / -4 )

When pressed about his supporters' violent attack against the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, Trump defended his loyalists. “That was a day of love from the standpoint of the millions,"

A day of love for Trump, not for country.

And that's all he cares about anyway.

3 ( +8 / -5 )

Did Trump offer up his plan to round up citizens in the streets?

4 ( +7 / -3 )

the ny times finally came out and said the things they’ve hidden up to now - trump is a psycho. his actions and words prove it. he’s just weeks away from a straitjacket.

but this article continues to hide how unhinged he is.

the mood is shifting now in the final turn to the finish line.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

 Trump is eating into her margins, especially among young Black men. 

"margins" rightists with language issues note, margins does not mean 'majority', or 'half'

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Trump, meanwhile, participated in a contentious interview with the editor of Bloomberg News

Trump's demented stubbornness defending his illogical policies was another reminder of how he should not be in any position of command.

In recent days, Harris has sat with Charlamagne tha God, whose radio show is especially popular among younger and Black audiences, and will be interviewed on Fox News, typically a safe haven for Republicans.

Good triangulation there for Harris in a close race.

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Kamala Harris Sits Down with Bret Baier in Exclusive interview live


Scroll 23.39 .........

Allot tougher, no waffling.

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

Abortion and January 6th, that and attacking Trump for his rhetoric all while the Democrats and their aligned media ( wink ) have been doing the exact same thing calling Trump the greatest threat to democracy since sliced fascism. Never a good sign when you see people resorting to such tactics. Not a good sign of competence , self awareness, nor a healthy imagination! Projection.

Weed and double standard identity politics is still the platform by the looks. Playing to that base. All run from the equity mindset that they never touch, nor dare to try and explain. Both Harris and her running mate trying to woo gun owners has been a nice little window into their flip flopping politicking, the accent changes were wonderful too, and as an outside observer it just seems theres some serious democrat desperation in the air. The polls certainly suggest there is cause for serious concern. The performances have been so poor, they are just gunna have to one it. Harris was never elected into the spot so it is what it is.

Anyone not stuck in an echo chamber and watching the performance of both candidates doing their ‘interviews’ will have pretty much made up their minds anyway by now. It’s plain for the whole world to see who stands for what. America , do your thang! Rock on.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

He is the oldest person in history to ever be on a November presidential ballot in the United States. The age difference between the two is six times what it was between Biden and the former guy. Plus, she had 13 years as a prosecutor before being elected District Attorney, then California State Attorney Gen, then US Senator, the VP. He is a convicted felon who was impeached in the only office he ever held in his life.

3 ( +6 / -3 )

Harris and Trump offer new details about policies and strategy in dueling interviews

Kamala with a teleprompter and questions given in advance.... and result finally edited.. WHAT A SHAME????

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Harris’ appearance on Fox with anchor Bret Baier on Wednesday seemed designed to show her willingness to face any questioner, especially after Trump bailed on “60 Minutes.”

Turns out Trump is scared to do interviews now. He can’t articulate a policy, all his rhetoric is grievance.

4 ( +7 / -3 )

marc laden

Trump had detailed his policies from the day he announced his candidacy .... years ago

Like what?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Ricky Kaminski13

Abortion and January 6th, that and attacking Trump for his rhetoric all while the Democrats and their aligned media ( wink ) have been doing the exact same thing calling Trump the greatest threat to democracy since sliced fascism. 

Well, he did try to subvert democracy and steal the last election, so there’s that…

4 ( +7 / -3 )

A day of love for Trump, not for country.

And that's all he cares about anyway.

You are joking?

-9 ( +4 / -13 )

“It is the enemy from within, and they’re very dangerous. They’re Marxists and communists and fascists,” Trump said

He had also threatened to use the military on them. Make no mistake, Trump is a fascist and he will make America fascist if elected.

7 ( +10 / -3 )

This story is so full of BS. Great for those who think Kamala can still win. Black YouTubers who do politics are blasting the interview. Oh, so an interview with the Chicago economics club with a Bloomberg reporter is no longer traditional? Like to see Kamala do an intelligent economics interview. Puppet on a string she is.

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

Trump has shown he has little understanding of tariffs, and if Micklethwait challenged Trump, Micklethwait will probably soon be included in Trump's 'enemies within list',

Trump shut him down masterfully, and the people that applauded Trump we’re mostly a Democrat audience.

and so might be sent to one of Trump's Project 2025 detention centers where he could watch, maybe participate, in a cage fighting match along with refugees rounded up by the federal gestapo i.e. the US military, the leader of the GOP wants.

Trump never supported it, not going to happen.

-9 ( +3 / -12 )

“the audience frequently cheered him when he clashed with the interviewer. Micklethwait challenged Trump's support for tariffs”

Micklethwait was professional and precise, 45 acted like a baby when challenged, just playground level petulance.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Harris is killing him....

Trump's campaign heads, when they're not sitting in a corner crying, are doing their best to hide him lest he go forth an insult another audience..."all you union workers deserve to be fired if you strike"...."It's all your fault Jews if I lose"...."All you Black people out there should realize Kamala isn't Black"....

As was mentioned, above his interview with the Economic Club a few days ago was an utter disaster....read the link - it has example after example of his clear mental disfunction...


He realizes he's losing and he's desperate - because he knows what that means - jail...

5 ( +10 / -5 )


Trump's Project 2025 detention centers

Trump never supported it, not going to happen

Trump’s guys wrote it. Of course it will happen.

Zbut they know it isn’t popular, so will keep distance for now.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Trump calls his incoherent rambling ‘weaving’- the rest of us call it unraveling.

7 ( +8 / -1 )

So he admits yet again to having a soft spot for Russia but now China too? He feels closer to them than he does honest American citizens

8 ( +10 / -2 )

"margins" rightists with language issues note, margins does not mean 'majority', or 'half'

But even 8% is significant, if it were not, liberals wouldn’t make a big deal about, and they wouldn’t have to ask Obama to leave Hawaii and help her out.

-10 ( +1 / -11 )

You are joking?

hmm LOL

6 ( +7 / -1 )

“the audience frequently cheered him when he clashed with the interviewer. Micklethwait challenged Trump's support for tariffs”

the room was rigged with maga nuts. you have to sift through different sources to get the truth these days.

8 ( +9 / -1 )

Trump’s guys wrote it. Of course it will happen.

John Bolton drew up plans for Trump to invade Iran, didn’t happen, so I’m not buying it, now if YOU want to believe it, do so.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Micklethwait was professional and precise, 45 acted like a baby when challenged, just playground level petulance

I disagree, Trump schooled him, the guy got tongue tied, just too funny

-10 ( +2 / -12 )

On Trump's trade policies, from the Washington Post:

The consequences would be far-reaching: Americans would be hit by higher prices for grocery staples from abroad, such as fruit, vegetables and coffee. Domestic firms dependent on imports would need to either figure out new supply chains or raise costs for consumers. U.S. manufacturers would almost certainly see sharp declines in orders from abroad as foreign nations impose retaliatory tariffs.

"We are talking about a plan of historic significance: It would be enormous, and the blowback would be even more enormous," said Douglas A. Irwin, an economist at Dartmouth College who wrote a 2017 book on the history of U.S. trade policy. "This would stand way off the charts."

7 ( +9 / -2 )

the room was rigged with maga nuts.

Those were all libs, Trump as he always does, goes to these hostile interviews and takes these people on.

you have to sift through different sources to get the truth these days


-8 ( +3 / -11 )

Trump shut him down masterfully, and the people that applauded Trump we’re mostly a Democrat audience

The people applauding 45 were democrats? Boy oh boy.

if you think saying “You’ve been wrong all your life on this stuff,” crossing your arms and pouting is shutting someone down masterfully I’ll be sure to bookmark the phrase for future use.

7 ( +9 / -2 )

and participated in town halls on Fox News and the Spanish-language network Univision.

He continues to bray his hateful rhetoric against immigrants. Latinos for Trump is like cockroaches for Raid.

1 ( +6 / -5 )


Trump’s guys wrote it. Of course it will happen.

John Bolton drew up plans for Trump to invade Iran, didn’t happen, so I’m not buying it, now if YOU want to believe it, do so.

John Bolton wasn’t and has never been a Trump guy.

Project 2025 was drawn up by Trump people to finish what they tried to start as a second Trump term.

6 ( +8 / -2 )

He continues to bray his hateful rhetoric against immigrants.

Illegals, absolutely, he should.

Latinos for Trump is like cockroaches for Raid.

American Latinos believe in a sovereign nation and legal immigration

The people applauding 45 were democrats? Boy oh boy. 

Bloomberg, yes.

if you think saying “You’ve been wrong all your life on this stuff,” crossing your arms and pouting is shutting someone down masterfully I’ll be sure to bookmark the phrase for future use.

Then that is what you think. Lol

-6 ( +3 / -9 )

Ask Donald Trump what is his plan for Black America,” she said. “Ask him.”

When Obama and Harris see a Black American they see “Black”. and a vote they think they should receive by obligation.

Trump sees “American”

-7 ( +4 / -11 )

The Bret Baier Fox interview was brutal, Kalama Harris littered retorts with a dogmatic "Trump blame game"

However for the US voter/electorate, the Fox interview is a "Harris" insight into why so many Americans are sceptical that Harris is ready for the big chair President of the United States .

This Fox interview, plus.....

Kamala Harris OPEN TO REPARATIONS: Charlamagne the God Interview


Could well have put Trump into the Oval Office for the second time.

Also cost me my most expensive Jimmy Choos, and treasured hand bag, I stated I would eat if Trump succeeded November 5th, after the most duplicitous, gross violation of the US justice system to denigrate any former President in US political history.

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

John Bolton wasn’t and has never been a Trump guy.

He worked in his administration.

Project 2025 was drawn up by Trump people to finish what they tried to start as a second Trump term.

Then you believe that, I don’t.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Trump, meanwhile, participated in a contentious interview with the editor of Bloomberg News at an economic forum in Chicago, 

which Harris refused to attend herself when invited, but then tried to criticize,

though the crowd was friendly to him,

the audience frequently cheered him when he clashed with the interviewer.

yep, because he was right.

-8 ( +2 / -10 )

Then that is what you think. Lol

No, that is what you think. “You’ve been wrong all your life on this stuff”

8 ( +8 / -0 )

Trump is getting 28% of the Black vote in the latest left leaning poll that also claims he is losing nationally by 4.

with 28% of Black vote and 44% of Hispanic, he’s not losing.

-8 ( +1 / -9 )

Trump sees “American”

Unless you disagree with him, and then you're an "enemy of the people."

6 ( +6 / -0 )


John Bolton wasn’t and has never been a Trump guy.

He worked in his administration.

True, but he never was a Trump guy. Listen to what Bolton says about Trump.

Project 2025 was drawn up by Trump people to finish what they tried to start as a second Trump term.

Then you believe that, I don’t.

Not sure if you do or not, but they will implement it.

5 ( +5 / -0 )


Trump is getting 28% of the Black vote in the latest left leaning poll that also claims he is losing nationally by 4.

with 28% of Black vote and 44% of Hispanic, he’s not losing.

And where is that going to help Trump? Certainly not in the rust belt. Maybe Nevada?

3 ( +4 / -1 )

@zphod: This story is so full of BS

What sources might say otherwise?

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Not sure if you do or not, but they will implement it.

Then that is what you believe, I don’t.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Vice President Kamala Harris unveiled an “Opportunity Agenda” plan for Black men, which includes a proposal of forgivable loans of up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneurs.


Not only is this so eye wateringly demeaning to black men, such a policy reeks of racial discrimination, prejudice against all entrepreneurs regardless of there ethnicity, the colour of their skin.

That is the complete oppositive of a policy to offer “Opportunity Agenda” for all.

It foolish, cringing, ill judged.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

Trump got his a$ handed to him during this interview, where he glitched, blanked out, and flat out crumbled like a rag doll...


And the audience didn't applaud,

That was a special effect we heard?

they groaned

They make a moan sound like a clap? I’m kind of an expert in this field, not sure how you can not distinguish between the two other than you smoke something to make you THINK you heard something other than what was played live.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

And where is that going to help Trump? Certainly not in the rust belt. Maybe Nevada?

georgia. Michigan. Nevada. Arizona. North Carolina. Pennsylvania.

-8 ( +0 / -8 )

It's not even the Republican Party anymore. It's become something nasty and vile in a neo-Nazi sense. You know things must be bad within the GOP when even former VP Cheney and his daughter are voting for VP Harris. Anyway, the Republican Party (which it is not anymore) should change its name to the Trump Party.

Democracy is on the line and a vote for Harris is a vote against fascism.

9 ( +9 / -0 )

which includes a proposal of forgivable loans of up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneur

can one simply identify as Black? Or just identify as an “entrepreneur”?

forgivable only if voted for Kamala?

-7 ( +3 / -10 )

Out of the 150 stories AllSides analyzed from Yahoo! News’ homepage, only one story from an outlet rated on the right appeared 

this makes the ringleader insistence on Yahoo News understandable.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

And the MAGA hits keep on playing....

"Donald Trump babbled incoherently at a rally in Atlanta, Tuesday night, the latest in a series of untethered performances from the former president where his apparent cognitive decline showed on full display."

“‘Thirty-two days, Mr. Congressman. Thirty-two,’ she goes. And the election will be in thirty-twoooooo daaaaaays. Thirty-two days,” Trump said to the audience, slurring his words."

“Ohhh, I would’ve loved to—you know, it kicked back in, it’s called a kickback. Like, some people know a lot about a kickback. It’s called a kickback. They know in this administration. But no, it’s a kickback, it kicks back in,” Trump garbled."

“So, we won two, BEAUTIFUL, biiiiiiiiiig, horrible—in many ways—we won two world wars with that attitude,” Trump said."


He do better of he just went back to sashaying to gay anthem YMCA for 39 minutes....

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Concerning those who attended the Trump interview, no, they were not "leftists, liberals, woke-ones":

"MeidasTouch has discovered that questioners at Donald Trump's bizarre town hall in Pennsylvania were not ordinary attendees, but rather MAGA and GOP operatives posing as regular voters."

But of course some here will question this media again, being biased, liberal, leftist, woke etc. Be it that way. At least they call out people and present the facts!

6 ( +6 / -0 )


And where is that going to help Trump? Certainly not in the rust belt. Maybe Nevada?

georgia. Michigan. Nevada. Arizona. North Carolina. Pennsylvania.

Georgia, maybe… Nothing that will move the needle.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

More proof MAGA-world knows Trump flubbed his interview in Chicago - they reached real deep and sent Eric out to try to do clean-up...

But as they should have known, sending Eric to anything just ensures the catastrophe gets worse...

"During a Tuesday appearance on Fox News’ “Hannity,” the younger Trump suggested that his father was “on point” during his tense interview with Bloomberg News Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait at the Economic Club of Chicago that day. “My father has never been better than he is right now,” Eric Trump said during the Fox News segment. “He is so locked in."


As many social media members commented, "It's obvious Eric never watched the interview or he would be forced to admit his Dad cratered"....

The only thing your Dad is "locked into" is maybe Laura Loomer...

4 ( +6 / -2 )

Weird that maga think increasing tariffs will not increase prices to consumers. Are they just going to stop buying imported items?

30% of all international tomato trade is from Mexico to the U.S.

US imports over 70% of its seafood, 35% of fruit and vegetables are imported.

Do you think all your coffee beans come from Hawaii?

5 ( +7 / -2 )

bass4funkToday  07:52 am JST

Trump has shown he has little understanding of tariffs, and if Micklethwait challenged Trump, Micklethwait will probably soon be included in Trump's 'enemies within list', 

Trump shut him down masterfully, and the people that applauded Trump we’re mostly a Democrat audience.

and so might be sent to one of Trump's Project 2025 detention centers where he could watch, maybe participate, in a cage fighting match along with refugees rounded up by the federal gestapo i.e. the US military, the leader of the GOP wants. 

Trump never supported it, not going to happen.

WARNING: disinformation alert.

2 ( +4 / -2 )

i’ll tell what would be really good. another debate and both candidates take a drug test right before, then isolated before the debate.

trump and his sudefed addiction will be front and center like it was in the early 2000’s. he didn’t get his sudafed high before he stopped taking questions after just two and spent 39 minutes bopping on stage while his entourage looked like idiots standing there, afraid to move.

psycho don.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

More user-friendly.....

Vice President Kamala Harris grilled on pivotal issues as election nears on 'Special Report'


-3 ( +1 / -4 )

Kamala's handlers had her rage quit that Fox interview. It was hilarious.

-5 ( +5 / -10 )

This ain't the mind of a sound man...

"In one of the many bizarre moments from Monday’s town hall event in Oaks, Pennsylvania, former President Donald Trump yet again said he “sleeps with” and “kisses” the immigration chart he credits with having saved his life during an assassination attempt earlier this summer.

Trump has said that he turned his head to look at the chart, narrowly avoiding the bullets fired by 20-year-old gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks on July 13 in Butler, Pennsylvania.

Trump called it his “all-time favorite chart” to cheers from supporters on Monday.

“That’s my favorite piece of paper anywhere in the world, I sleep with it every night, I kiss it,” he said, while pointing at a projected image of the chart."


Well, I guess Melania is happy - at least he's not sleeping with Stormy, Karen McDougal, or Laura Loomer...

0 ( +2 / -2 )

But of course some here will question this media again, being biased, liberal, leftist, woke et

when you use Meidas Touch as a reference, absolutely.

do you know who that is?

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

i can't wait for this election to be over. trump and maga have turned it into a nightmare.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

Yahoo news, yahoo news.

man just post the front page link and be done with it?

this is a funny one:


-4 ( +2 / -6 )

About my economic policy, I grew up in a middle class family....lol

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Going to go watch the Harris Fox News interview now, heard it was really really bad but want to see it for myself.

-1 ( +4 / -5 )

Trump schooled him

File this under: Things which have never happened.

The MAGA cult bubble puts rose-tinted glasses or the Emperor's New Clothes to shame.

2 ( +5 / -3 )

How come Harris can't answer a question?

-6 ( +2 / -8 )

How come Harris can't answer a question?

50/1 on that being the case.

3 ( +5 / -2 )


Going to go watch the Harris Fox News interview now, heard it was really really bad but want to see it for myself.

Where did you hear it was bad?

The BBC has quite a good summary. They don’t call it bad, but there seemed to be a strange focus on transgender surgery for inmates. Not sure who gives a toss about that.

One thing that they did mention is that the Fox audience isn’t used to hearing that Trump described as "misguided" or "unstable" on their airwaves.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Where did you hear it was bad?

Fox News. The ones who actually held it.

-6 ( +0 / -6 )

And Trump is now leading nationally in even the Fox News poll.


let’s all go watch the interview now.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )


Where did you hear it was bad?

Fox News. The ones who actually held it.

Hardly impartial arbiters…

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Where did you hear it was bad?

Fox News. The ones who actually held it.

You mean the outlet fined for lying to vulnerable people about stolen elections?

I’d trust Bubble bath belle or lathered up lady more than that shower.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

'Where did you hear it was bad?'

Fox News. The ones who actually held it

Hahaha- keep talking about how Yahoo News is biased. Unbelievable.

5 ( +6 / -1 )

“Kamala Harris avoids questions about Biden's mental decline: 'Joe Biden is not on the ballot'

Harris repeatedly touted Biden's fitness to serve before his dramatic exit from the 2024 race”

Yahoo News:


“An analysis of 588 curated articles published by Yahoo! News over a 4-day period in April 2022 showed that65% were from a media outlet that has a Left or Lean Left AllSides Media Bias Rating, and just 5% were from outlets AllSides rates as on the right”

-7 ( +0 / -7 )

Just watched Harris bravely walk into an unfriendly interview with Fox. It was rivetting stuff, unfortunately she was just torn to shreds on the issues and tried to fill the space with her platitudes and Trump man bad message.

no need to listen to me though, watch it for yourself. You can feel the life draining out of her. She is fighting though, so kudos to that. Unfortunately the platform is just so flimsy, flawed and weak. Emotions vs facts.

-7 ( +2 / -9 )

Concerning those who attended the Trump interview, no, they were not "leftists, liberals, woke-ones":

Uh-huh, yeah Bloomberg is just a haven for Conservative think tanks.

"MeidasTouch has discovered that questioners at Donald Trump's bizarre town hall in Pennsylvania were not ordinary attendees, but rather MAGA and GOP operatives posing as regular voters."

MeidasTouch? Really?

But of course some here will question this media again, being biased, liberal, leftist, woke etc. Be it that way. At least they call out people and present the facts!

Because 99% are.

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

WARNING: disinformation alert.

Fox, I get it, but Bloomberg??? Sure....

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

You can feel the life draining out of her. She is fighting though, so kudos to that. Unfortunately the platform is just so flimsy, flawed and weak. Emotions vs facts


You do tend to lean more toward the alternative media/bro podcast side.

We all have our biases.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Where did you hear it was bad?

Fox News. The ones who actually held it.

Fox hosts say they destroyed their guest with their logic and wit.

News at 11.

The reality is more likely the guests wreck the intellectually deficient hosts of Fox.


Kamala did a decent job in a hostile setting.

2 ( +4 / -2 )


Yahoo News bad.


Fox News good.


1 ( +3 / -2 )

Kamala: stop interrupting my word salading to avoid answering!

first 5 minutes is hilarious.

she trying use “scourge” but can’t pronounce it.

-5 ( +3 / -8 )

"Make no mistake, Trump is a fascist and he will make America fascist if elected."

Just same old tired scaremongering fluff, yawn. Trump was president once already and America didn't turn fascist. Deep breath?

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

which includes a proposal of forgivable loans of up to $20,000 to Black entrepreneur....can one simply identify as Black? Or just identify as an “entrepreneur”?

If one self identifies as a cat on Monday but a Black entrepreneur man on Tuesday, can one get the "forgivable loan on said Tuesday? Just askin for friend

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Fox hosts say they destroyed their guest with their logic and wit. 

News at 11. 


The reality is more likely the guests wreck the intellectually deficient hosts of Fox. 

When the lib sites can bring in a third of the audience to listen to their personal pundit gutter snipping then they will have achieved a lot.

Kamala did a decent job in a hostile setting.

Barely, now if she would just answer the damn questions, she would get more credit.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

burgers and beers

"Make no mistake, Trump is a fascist and he will make America fascist if elected."

Just same old tired scaremongering fluff, yawn. Trump was president once already and America didn't turn fascist. Deep breath?

Like when he was indicted for trying to steal the election?

Most people take subverting democracy seriously.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Baier asked Harris how many undocumented immigrants she thinks the Biden administration "has released into the country over the last three and a half years."

How come the Border Czar couldn't give a number? How come she can't answer that question? What kind of person would vote for her?

-5 ( +1 / -6 )

The toxic personal political negativity cuts through both candidates campaign strategy agendas.

20 days or so the US electors head to the ballot booths?

Not much time to make minds up.

rump’s interview with Bloomberg News and The Economic Club of Chicago


Is Trump capable to follow through on his rhetoric.

Can you not sense the utter distasteful disrespectful offensive loathing Harris and Trump have for each other?

This 2024 US election has been a travesty, it is totally outlandish, grotesque.

Policies have taken second place, over substance.

BlackRock Inc will be the only beneficiary.

-5 ( +0 / -5 )


How come the Border Czar couldn't give a number?

Harris isn’t the border czar.

How come she can't answer that question? What kind of person would vote for her?

People who understand how tariffs work and don’t want massive inflation. Trump’s promise is a return of inflation.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Harris sure walked all over Bret Baier...pretty sure she picked up some votes from the sane side of the Repub Party...

Hey. where's Donald? Oh that's right, he ran away from his second CNN debate, cowardly backed out of his 60 Minutes interview, and even stiffed-armed FOX NEWS on a debate....

After crashing and burning during his Chicago interview, it's clear his campaign is keeping him in the basement...maybe ensuring he stays there with a stash of Stormy Daniels DVDs...

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Harris sure walked all over Bret Baier...

How??? With his foot on her neck? Now she tried doing her usual filibuster, but to no avail.

pretty sure she picked up some votes from the sane side of the Repub Party...

Polls on the meter show the opposite

Hey. where's Donald? Oh that's right, he ran away from his second CNN debate, cowardly backed out of his 60 Minutes interview, and even stiffed-armed FOX NEWS on a debate....

He did more than enough, it shows.


After crashing and burning during his Chicago interview, it's clear his campaign is keeping him in the basement...maybe ensuring he stays there with a stash of Stormy Daniels DVDs...

Hardly, more lib desperation, and it shows…



-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Watched the Fox News interview and several phrases and words popped into my head:Evasive, feeble , car crash, nonsensical, witless, incoherent, train wreck, muddled etc etc.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Baier said actually thats why we invited you here, to talk about your polices, not to talk about Trump.

that was bad.

Worse than avoiding any questions by dancing for 39 minutes?

3 ( +3 / -0 )

That was a monumentallly unimpressive performance by Madame VP. She showed up late, so as to cut the interview time in half. Even so, at the end her staff were jumping and waving at Baier to stop the punishment. She could not answer a single question without saying b-b-but Trump!

Baier was polite but very direct. His repeated attempts to direct Kamala back to the question at hand were necessary as she constantly was going off on tangerines. Now we can see why she never accepts interviews from any but the most friendly of sources, and even then her performance gets heavily edited.

The election ended tonight. Let's prepare for the Return of the King.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Hearing 45 fans complain about ‘word salad’ and only talking the opposition and no policy is really quite weird. It’s almost as if they have zero self awareness.

4 ( +4 / -0 )

When your own former staffer looks at you wiggling on stage for 39 minutes to a gay anthem - and thinks, "that's got to be a CGI Deep Fake"....but it isn't....you may be spiraling down....

"Donald Trump’s town hall this week randomly devolved into a dance party when he decided he no longer wanted to answer questions from voters, and if that sounds like a fake sentence to you, you’re not alone. Even seeing the video footage of it happening, “The View” host and former Trump staffer Alyssa Farah Griffin thought it was a deepfake.

To kick off the ABC talk show on Tuesday morning, the women had a good laugh at clips of Trump slowly turning the event into his own personal radiothon, requesting song after song from the DJ. But, setting humor aside, the hosts were baffled by it all."


Donald is just showing everyone he is "Trumpy the Clown"...aka "The Gay Blade"...ROFL...

2 ( +2 / -0 )

producer of the apprentice has apologized to the american public for making trump look like a boss and fabricating his image. he was worthless as a ceo, and constantly lied to puff himself up, but they put up with it to promote the show. it was never the #1 show on television as trump constantly claims.

the couldn’t use his boardroom, it was so shabby. just like mar-a-lago. it’s a tacky, shabby with threadbare carpets and scratched up furniture like it was from a resale store.

he regrets it and says he’s unfit. the couldn’t get a real ceo because they’re too busy doing real work.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

People here are deflecting better than Harris did.

Lincoln; please educate yourself. The event you are talking about was a townhall in Pennsylvania. There were 2 medical emergencies in the audience about halfway through. So, to lighten the mood, Trump decided to play some music before everyone went home. Then stayed with the audience, signed autographs, chatted, etc. Even ABC news called it endearing and had no trouble with it. Far from what you are describing.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Readers, please do not be obsessed with this topic. If you have already posted here, then please take a break.


The more politically perceptive course of action Kamala Harris needed to have proven was persuading the American people her leadership qualities.

Kamala Harris needed to sell Kamala Harris.

Every second word spewing out of Harris mouth, whether it be friendly interviews or campaign rallying has been Donald Trump.

So much so Harris politics/policies were treated as throw away, arbitrary, inconsequential

-1 ( +0 / -1 )


yeah ok sure. That’s relevant.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

Harris and Trump offer new details about policies and strategy

Harris offers details about policies? Where can I see these? In the interviews I have seen so far, her only policy is that the is "middle class", wants an "equal opportunity economy" and wants to spend lots of taxpayers money to achieve that. And naturally, everything that is wrong after 3 years of a Biden/Harris is caused by D. Trump, and not by her.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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