Japan Today

Woman arrested for disrupting entertainer Chiemi Hori’s blog with 16,000 messages


Police in Tokyo have arrested a 47-year-old unemployed woman on suspicion of sending approximately 16,000 messages to the official blog of actress-singer Chiemi Hori, disrupting the business of the blog's management company. 

Police said many of the messages were slanderous and libelous, NHK reported.

According to police, Sanae Nakajima, who lives in Tama City, Tokyo, is accused of fraudulent obstruction of business by sending the messages to Hori’s official blog between April and July of last year.

The messages contained libelous content about text and photos that Hori had posted on her blog.

Police said Nakajima told them she had been a "former fan of Hori," but has remained silent since her arrest.

Nakajima was also arrested last month for posting slanderous comments about Hori on an online bulletin board three years ago.

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"Woman arrested for disrupting entertainer Chiemi Hori’s blog with 16,000 messages."

What was her mental state before sending those messages?

2 ( +2 / -0 )

No "block" function? You would think that after the first, say, 10,000 posts they would have blocked her.

3 ( +3 / -0 )

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