Japan Today
Image: Lithon
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Level up your house parties with an alcohol dispenser

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As shrinkflation only becomes more prevalent, cutting costs doesn’t mean you have to miss out on a social life altogether. Hosting parties at home instead of heading to your local izakaya (Japanese pub) can oftentimes be the better alternative. Try out new recipes using budget-friendly ingredients and have everyone pitch in a drink or two. 

If you’re looking for ways to elevate your get-togethers, why not start small? This alcohol dispenser by Lithon Products pours up to 60 wine glasses when fully charged and is easily adjusted to work with several types of bottles. It has an automatic dispensing function as well as an aerator mode. Make highballs and cocktails all night long. 

Available for ¥6,980 on the Lithon online store

Source: Lithon

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This is a must-buy item! Instead of tipping up the bottle, all you do is press a button. What a labour-saver! Thanks for letting us know about this fab product.

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