Japan Today

3 partially skeletonized bodies found in Tokyo house

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Three partially skeletonized bodies have been found in a house in Tokyo, police said Monday.

A neighbor called police at around 4:30 pm on Sunday and said the residents of the house in Katsushika Ward had not been seen for a long time, NHK reported. When police officers checked inside the house, they found the remains of three people — one in the kitchen on the first floor, another in a bedroom and the third in a hallway on the second floor.

Police said the three bodies are likely a woman in her 70s, her son in his 40s, and the woman's younger brother in his 60s, who all lived in the house.

The house is in a residential area, approximately 500 meters south of JR Kameari Station.

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1 Comment
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In Japan, sure plenty of skeletons in closets, or any room as this article shows, for many homes.

Tip of iceberg where no one asks before years obviously, even for homes with different generations.

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