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U.S. State Department OKs possible sale of aerial targets to Japan


The U.S. State Department approved a possible military sale to Japan of subsonic sea-skimming aerial targets, follow-On technical support and related equipment for $113 million, the Pentagon said in a statement on Friday.

Among the contractors were Northrop Grumman and Lockheed Martin, according to the Pentagon.

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Last time, it was missiles that were approved by the U.S. government for sale to Japan in the amount of $360 million. This time, it is the targets (World War-II vintage fighter planes) that were approved for the same purpose.

How much would the total amount be? 

Both Tokyo and Washington are fully aware that such sales would be in violation of Japan's pacifist constitution. But I'm afraid that the militarism-nostalgic Ishiba cabinet would go ahead with the deal and the integral part of the military-industrial complex U.S. government would forge ahead with the dealing.

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A decapitation strike on Japan,can be launch at 35.7,139.7 Japan would not be able to respond

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Instead of focusing on facing the much needed social issues, (low births, rising cost of living, depopulation of rural areas to name a few), Japan's government keeps saying "Yes Sir" to the US administration with these huge orders of weapons. A complete nonsense. That explains how the stock markets in the US are on all time high. The top 5 arms-producing and military services companies in the world are all American, in order: Lockheed Martin Corp, Raytheon Technologies, Northrop Grumman Corp, Boeing, General Dynamics Corp

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