Japan Today

Apple adds ChatGPT integration in latest software update


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Why has AI not won the lottery

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Lotteries are random. You can buy a 'random' ticket for most. AI can probably pick a bunch of random numbers if you ask it to. It would have the same chance as you.

Computers use a quasi-random generator that is effectively random for this, and people were writing programs to do that in BASIC in the 1980s.

AI is not really artificial intelligence but the parsing of a text request and a great deal of searching, editing and (most likely) thesaurus use. The computer has no conception, knowledge or understanding of anything it is asked about. It isn't thinking and it isn't intelligent. It's a modern take on the smoke and mirrors of fairground attractions.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The "Great" Apple is so late...

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Why has AI not won the lottery

That's the right question. For all the things we would have needed AI, predictions we fail so far, stock values, earthquakes, vulcano eruptions, lotteries, car, ship, plane accidents and all such 'random' things, it continously fails, and they tell you the strangest causes for that, randomness is incalculable, white noise in the data too high and such. While for all other and already known or calculable things we don't really need AI, because already having other proven and more stable methods for a long time.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


The "Great" Apple is so late...

No they aren’t. They are using an existing chatbot, ChatGTP. Besides, Apple is rarely the first at what they produce. The first iPhone came out 13 years after the first smartphone. Basically the same with the iPod and Mac. But the Mac was the first all in one computer and the Airpods were the first truly wireless headphones.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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