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17-year-old boy arrested for exposing himself and groping junior high school girl


Police in Osaka have arrested a 17-year-old high school boy on suspicion of committing lewd acts after he exposed his lower body and groped a junior high school girl’s breast.

According to police, the incident occurred in mid-October in the hallway outside the girl’s apartment in Sumiyoshi Ward as she was coming home from school, Sankei Shimbun reported.

Police said the boy told them he was hiding in the building and waiting for the girl to come home. When she entered the hallway, he dropped his pants and exposed himself to the girl, then groped her breasts.

The girl broke free and called out for her mother who contacted police. The boy was identified after an analysis of the apartment buildings surveillance camera footage.

Police said the boy has admitted to the allegation and quoted him as saying he did it to satisfy his sexual desire.

Several similar incidents have been reported in the same area, and police are questioning the boy about those cases.

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Since he likes it so much, they should make him stand outside the front gate of his current school, doing the exact same thing.

Tie him up so he can’t run and leave him there all week, instead of going to classes.

Let every laugh at his little friend and take pics. Maybe slap him around a bit. Then he won’t do it again.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

Since he likes it so much, they should make him stand outside the front gate of his current school, doing the exact same thing. 

Yes I’m sure everyone would enjoy having their breasts fondled. Probably not the best suggestion.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

Well, I would have said he was drunk at that time, however he didn't use the general excuse "I was drunk and I don't remember", or he was on some kind of drugs. Either way, this is becomingly increasingly serious, not only in Japan, but rest of the world too.

One root cause seems to be the ease of overexposure to adult materials, so easily accesses nowadays, or maybe even some various challenges those boys are made to do.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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