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Man fatally slashes 18-year-old female employee at bar in Tokyo


An 18-year-old working at a "girls' bar" in Tokyo where young women serve drinks was fatally slashed early Sunday by a male customer with a knife, police said.

The customer, identified as Hiroyuki Chigira, 49, who lives in Gunma Prefecture, allegedly slashed the female worker, Yuna Tanisawa, around her neck at around 5:40 a.m. in the bar located in the bustling area of Tokyo's Shimbashi district.

The bar's manager held him down and the police arrested him on the spot, according to the police.

The knife used in the crime had a 10-centimter blade and was apparently among Chigira's belongings. Tanisawa, a Tokyo resident, was confirmed dead at a hospital.


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Barring extenuating circumstances (and it's hard to think of any likely ones), this creep should hang.

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2 ( +2 / -0 )

Before I even clicked on the article, I guessed that the perpetrator would've been a man in the 40s-50s range....

Let me guess even more. He's single, still living with his parents and either unemployed/in a low paying job? And he's angry at women for his failures in life and as a man?

RIP to the poor young girl and I hope that he reserves the harshest of sentences for taking her life away.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Wow, brutal. No excuse for this. RIP young girl.

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he's single, still living with his parents and either unemployed/in a low paying job and he's angry at women for his failures in life and as a man

all that may well be true, but maybe the reason for the above is that this man would, at 49-years-old, have already spent a significant amount of time in prison. 

carrying a small knife and being willing to use it is probably how he survived his previous prison-term.

the sad fact is that there are many people out there who like it in prison, prefer it in prison, and can't wait to go back...

lock him up and throw away the key!!

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I wish we could protect our children from these animals. But I am afraid that the best we can do is to teach them to be more careful with strangers. What a horrible story.

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