Police in Kuki, Saitama Prefecture, have arrested a 46-year-old man on suspicion of stealing an ambulance.
According to police, Hiroshi Hirata, of unknown occupation, called 119 at around 6:50 p.m. on Monday, complaining of stomach pain. Kyodo News reported that three paramedics treated Hirata, who was drunk at the time, and determined that he did not need to go to a hospital.
Police said that Hirata became enraged and threatened the paramedics with a knife. He went outside and stole their ambulance.
Police found the ambulance and Hirata in the parking lot of a drugstore about 100 meters away, and arrested him on the spot.
Hirata was quoted by police as saying, “I thought I would go to the hospital myself.”
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Cuckoo in Kuki.