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Why Greenland? Remote but resource-rich island occupies a key position in a warming world


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Greenland sits at a critical chokepoint between America and Europe. It's essential for missile defense and naval operations.

China knows this. They've repeatedly tried to build airports and research stations in Greenland—and even attempted to buy a former U.S. naval base there.

Greenland is better off with the Americans than the china-nese communist dictators.

3 ( +4 / -1 )

Because of the tremendously slow pace of doing anything substantial about it, probably most of the ice in Greenland will become "Zombie" ice, so future humanity is going to be faced with a very, very different and dangerous world. All our own stupid making, but we were too silly to do anything about it. Explain that to your grandkids!

-1 ( +3 / -4 )


The fact that this has not been deleted says a lot about JT and the moderators.

USA, hands off Greenland. It's bad enough that it's still a Danish colony.

-2 ( +0 / -2 )

The answer to 'Why Greenland?' seems obvious when you read the list of resources. Oil, natural gas, and rare Earth minerals all becoming more accessible [re: profitable] due to climate change.

0 ( +0 / -0 )


USA, hands off Greenland. It's bad enough that it's still a Danish colony.

The moment Greenland declares full independence, Trump can and will buy it.

Just make a back-of-envelope calculation: Divide the 200 billion of the latest check for Zelenski which was just signed by Biden, among 50,000 Greenlanders, and each one gets 4 Mio USD. How many would refuse the deal?

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

ZaphodToday 03:02 pm JST


USA, hands off Greenland. It's bad enough that it's still a Danish colony.

The moment Greenland declares full independence, Trump can and will buy it.

Just make a back-of-envelope calculation: Divide the 200 billion of the latest check for Zelenski which was just signed by Biden, among 50,000 Greenlanders, and each one gets 4 Mio USD. How many would refuse the deal?

And lose 30 million Ukrainians and Black Sea coast in exchange for a Greenland village we could already do whatever we needed to in. MAGAs will think this is a win.

1 ( +1 / -0 )


And lose 30 million Ukrainians and Black Sea coast in exchange for a Greenland village we could already do whatever we needed to in.

The only Ukrainians lost are the ones that are currently dying in Zelenskis war. Turnig 50,000 Greenlanders into millionaires is a lot better investment than sending more weapons and cash to Zelenski. (I grant you, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon probably disagree.)

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

ZaphodToday 03:46 pm JST


And lose 30 million Ukrainians and Black Sea coast in exchange for a Greenland village we could already do whatever we needed to in.

The only Ukrainians lost are the ones that are currently dying in Zelenskis war. Turnig 50,000 Greenlanders into millionaires is a lot better investment than sending more weapons and cash to Zelenski. (I grant you, Lockheed Martin and Raytheon probably disagree.)

I don't know where your loyalties lie, but clearly not with America. Every Ukrainian enslaved by russia will be lost to the US.

0 ( +1 / -1 )


I don't know where your loyalties lie, but clearly not with America. Every Ukrainian enslaved by russia will be lost to the US.

Firstly, the US does not own Ukraine, so can not lose anything, and secondly nobody is "enslaved by Russia". Where you get your "information" from?

-3 ( +0 / -3 )

Sovereign ownership of their land means more to the Inuits than any amount of money. They are seeking independence not replacing one country with another.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

ZaphodJan. 15 05:23 pm JST


I don't know where your loyalties lie, but clearly not with America. Every Ukrainian enslaved by russia will be lost to the US.

Firstly, the US does not own Ukraine, so can not lose anything, and secondly nobody is "enslaved by Russia". Where you get your "information" from?

I can tell the Serb that every person living under the Putin regime will not be allowed to engage in trade with the West. That is what I mean by them being lost to the US.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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