Posted in: Yamanote line in Tokyo features AKB48 train See in context
So Japan only has one "singing" group! How sad. By the way, why didn't "JapanToday " not report that on March 13th, Tokyo Tower was lighted with the group colors from a group called ARASHI. I also read that this is the first time this was ever done.
4 ( +5 / -1 )
Posted in: Why does the existence of AKB48 bother so many readers of Japan Today (judging from the comments on the discussion board)? See in context
I am new in reading "JapanToday"... but since I started, most of the headlines in the entertainment section has been about them. I am pretty sure that Japan has more then one singing group. I am not into their music, too candy-sweet for me. My daughter who is in her teens finds them annoying. I know that they will be coming to the US soon and we will go see them to see if they can really sing (plus it's free or else I wouldn't bother).
0 ( +2 / -2 )
Posted in: AKB48 to sing national anthem before Giants-Swallows season opener on March 30 See in context
I'm waiting to read the headlines "AKB48 Will Perform Open-Heart Surgery"! Is this the only group in Japan?
0 ( +9 / -9 )
Posted in: Gov't enlists AKB48 as 'gatekeepers' for suicide prevention See in context
I don't think I could kill myself if it was a picture of a pokemon. :) See, just thinking about it makes me happy.
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Former gang member shot dead in Denny's restaurant in Chiba See in context
Oh Wow... Japan has a "Denny's!!!!
-24 ( +4 / -26 )
Posted in: How foreigners’ daily lives change when they live in Japan See in context
I keep reading here that most of u say u have to be "on-guard". Not sure what u mean by this?
0 ( +1 / -1 )
Posted in: Precautions See in context
How scary this must be for the children. Pray that everything will be okay.
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Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia
Roses are red, Violets are blue, Those steaks are small, And, ahem.
Posted in: Japan’s wagyu heart-shaped steaks are the perfect alternative to Valentine’s Day sweets