Japan Today

Man arrested for breaking glass door of girlfriend’s apartment, assaulting her


Police in Hamamatsu City, Shizuoka Prefecture, on Sunday arrested a 26-year-old man on suspicion of property damage and assault after he broke the glass of the door at the entrance to his girlfriend’s apartment and punched her in the face.

Police the man, who works in the construction industry, broke into the home of his girlfriend who is in her 30s at around 5 p.m. Sunday, TBS reported. Police said he used a cleaning tool to smash the glass, then reached in with his hand and unlocked the door.

The man pushed the woman against the wall, pinched her cheeks and punched her in the face.

Police said the woman, who was not seriously injured, was able to call 110. The man was arrested about one hour later.

The man and woman were in a relationship and had been living together for awhile, but were living separately at the time of the incident.

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Another cowardly no-hoper in life viciously assaulting a woman.

the man, who works in the construction industry

Why am I not surprised.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Fighto...the people who built your house or condo. "work in the construction industry "

Is this a surprise too ?

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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