Japan Today
Trump Plastic Straws
A large soft drink with a plastic straw from a McDonald's restaurant is shown in Surfside, Fla. Image: AP file

Trump pushes for plastic straws as he declares paper ones 'don’t work'


President Donald Trump is moving to reverse a federal push away from plastic straws, declaring that paper straws “don’t work” and don't last very long.

“It’s a ridiculous situation. We’re going back to plastic straws,” Trump said Monday as he signed an executive order to review federal purchasing policies that restrict plastic straws.

The move by Trump — who has long railed against paper straws, and whose 2019 reelection campaign sold Trump-branded reusable plastic straws for $15 per pack of 10 — targets a Biden administration policy to phase out federal purchases of single-use plastics, including straws, from food service operations, events and packaging by 2027, and from all federal operations by 2035.

Trump declared President Joe Biden’s policy “DEAD!” in a social media post over the weekend.

While plastic straws have been blamed for polluting oceans and harming marine life, Trump said Monday that he thinks "it's okay” to continue using them. “I don’t think that plastic is going to affect the shark very much as they’re ... munching their way through the ocean,'' he said at a White House announcement.

Several U.S. states and cities have banned plastic straws, and some restaurants no longer automatically give them to customers. But plastic straws are only a small part of the problem. The environment is littered with single-use plastic food and beverage containers — water bottles, takeout containers, coffee lids, shopping bags and more.

Around the world, the equivalent of one garbage truck of plastic enters the ocean every minute from a range of sources, including plastic bags, toothbrushes, bottles, food packaging and more, experts say. As those materials break down in the environment, microplastics are turning up in the stomachs of fish, birds and other animals, as well as in human blood and tissue.

And plastic manufacturing releases planet-warming greenhouse gases and other dangerous pollutants. More than 90% of plastic products are derived from fossil fuels such as oil and natural gas, and millions of tons of plastic waste enter the world’s oceans every year. Many multinational companies have moved away from plastic straws and have made reducing plastic use across their operations central to their sustainability goals, making Trump's decision an outlier in the business world.

Trump’s order is “more about messaging than finding solutions,″ said Christy Leavitt, plastics campaign director for the environmental group Oceana, noting that most U.S. voters support requiring companies to reduce single-use plastic packaging and foodware.

“President Trump is moving in the wrong direction on single-use plastics,'' Leavitt said. “The world is facing a plastic pollution crisis, and we can no longer ignore one of the biggest environmental threats facing our oceans and our planet today.”

The plastic manufacturing industry applauded Trump's move.

“Straws are just the beginning,” Matt Seaholm, president and CEO of the Plastics Industry Association, said in a statement. “‘Back to Plastic’ is a movement we should all get behind.”

More than 390 million straws are used every day in the United States, mostly for 30 minutes or less, according to advocacy group Straws Turtle Island Restoration Network. Straws take at least 200 years to decompose and pose a threat to turtles and other wildlife as they degrade into microplastics, the group says.

"To prevent another sea turtle from becoming a victim to plastic, we must make personal lifestyle alterations to fight for these species,'' the group said in a statement.

Every year, the world produces more than 400 million tons of new plastic. About 40% of all plastics are used in packaging, according to the United Nations.

Globally, nations are creating a treaty to address plastic pollution. Leaders met for a week in South Korea late last year but didn’t reach an agreement. Talks resume this year as more than 100 countries pursue a pact that limits plastic production as well as tackles cleanup and recycling.

The U.S., China and Germany are the biggest players in the global plastics trade. U.S. manufacturers have asked Trump to remain at the negotiating table, and to revert to Biden’s previous position that focused on redesigning plastic products, recycling and reuse.

White House staff secretary Will Scharf, who presented the executive order to Trump, told him the push for paper straws has cost the government and private industry “an absolute ton of money and left consumers all over the country wildly dissatisfied with their straws.''

The order directs federal agencies to review procurement processes to allow use of plastic straws. “It really is something that affects ordinary Americans in their everyday lives," Scharf said.

Associated Press writer Jennifer McDermott in Providence, Rhode Island, contributed to this story.

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Trump pushes for plastic straws as he declares paper ones 'don’t work'

Yeah, because that's what the world needs: more plastic!

What a complete and utter buffoon.

3 ( +7 / -4 )

I know that plastic is bad for the environment but I must say I do hate paper straws. They stick to your lips, and become soggy, but why not try the new biodegradable plastic straws that Starbucks is going to use!

Also what the hell is Trump talking about paper straws exploding? The man is an idiot!

3 ( +6 / -3 )

I know that plastic is bad for the environment but I must say I do hate paper straws. 

This might be a little controversial, but there is always the choice of... not using a straw at all.

6 ( +7 / -1 )

I never need a straw to drink, but then again, I'm not 3 years old.

5 ( +5 / -0 )

Yes, there are other alternatives to paper or plastic straws, but those are not really cost effective.

The biodegradable ones are very good, albeit they cost at least twice as much as the standard ones.

Those straws are only a insignificant part of the issues. More countries, including USA, India, China, Pakistan, etc and the rest of the biggest polutters, should start to implement on a country side scale plastic recycle entry and give substantial fees to those who polite the rivets, lakes or seas.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Why fascist clowns hate science, arts and education??..

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Trump: "The liberal scare tactics around the use of asbestos in buildings is nonsense. I am going to bring back its use in every state and federal building. Make Asbestos Great Again!"

MAGA (jumps in the pickup truck and drives down to the nearest hardware store, points shotgun at clerk, and says "gimme all the asbestos you have!")

2 ( +4 / -2 )

I once volunteered to clean the banks of the Arakawa river, and plastic straws were right up there with PET bottles at the top of the trash heap. If you don't like paper straws just drink without a straw like an adult.

2 ( +3 / -1 )

Plastic straws aren't good but the article neglects to mention that harmful chemicals were also found in paper straws.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Is he still working for Mcdonald? That make sense.....

1 ( +1 / -0 )

With all the chaos he's making in the world he is focused on plastic straws, really????

3 ( +3 / -0 )

Is the US great again yet?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

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