Japan Today

Complaint lodged alleging reelected Hyogo governor violated election law


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Crazy, just because a candidate effectively used social media and the Internat and largely bypassed traditional media does not equate to a crime.

The votes in a free and fair election were legal, Gov. Saito won based on merit of his messaging!

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Dude's got the crazy eyes. Plus, by so many accounts, too many to ignore, he's just a grade A d-wad.

I hope these allegations can be proven, and he finally gets what he deserves.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Crazy, just because a candidate effectively used social media and the Internat and largely bypassed traditional media does not equate to a crime.

But if the candidate paid someone participating in election activities that would be a crime, the blog post would appear to prove this happened, and specially suspicious is that the post was later edited to pretend this was never the case.

The votes in a free and fair election were legal, Gov. Saito won based on merit of his messaging!

Even if that is the case this would not exculpate him from bribery as per election law, which is why the complaint was filed.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

This election is in unprecedented chaos.

One candidate who causes stirs whenever election to increase views of own accounts and make money, declared to assist Ex-governor this time, has repeated evidence-less defamations from election period through street speech or social media to discredit whistleblower cornered to suicide, Besides, he now begins even leaking personal information of whistleblower from his accounts.

Also, he even harassed and intimidated prefectural assembly member who inquired violation of governor despite during suspended sentence. 

This another accomplice of re-elected governor is also pointed plural illegal acts.

-4 ( +0 / -4 )

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