Japan Today
Mexican security forces at the scene where the mayor of Chilpancingo, Alejandro Arcos, was killed in Chilpancingo
Mexican security forces respond at the scene where Alejandro Arcos, mayor of Chilpancingo, was killed, in Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico October 6, 2024. REUTERS/Oscar Guerrero Image: Reuters/Oscar Guerrero

Mexican mayor assassinated days after taking office


The mayor of the capital of Mexico's violence-plagued state of Guerrero was killed on Sunday less than a week after he took office, the state's governor confirmed.

Alejandro Arcos was killed just six days after he took office as mayor of the city of Chilpancingo, a city of around 280,000 people in southwestern Mexico.

"His loss mourns the entire Guerrero society and fills us with indignation," Guerrero Governor Evelyn Salgado said in a statement shared on social media.

Guerrero's state attorney general's office also said it was investigating his murder.

The official confirmation came after photos circulated on messaging app WhatsApp depicting a severed head on top of a pick-up truck, appearing to be that of Arcos. Reuters could not independently verify the photos' authenticity.

Arcos' death comes just three days after the new city government's secretary, Francisco Tapia, was shot to death.

"They were young and honest officials who sought progress for their community," Senator Alejandro Moreno wrote on social media.

Moreno, who is the head of Mexico's PRI political party, called on the federal attorney general's office to lead the investigation into Arcos and Tapia's murders, given "the situation of ungovernability in Guerrero."

Guerrero has become one of the deadliest states for aspiring and elected public officials, as well as for journalists.

At least six candidates for public office were killed in the state in the run-up to Mexico's June 2 elections.

Arcos' social media posts show the mayor in recent days had been supervising disaster relief efforts following the impact of Hurricane John last month, which caused severe flooding in beach resort Acapulco and surrounding towns.

© Thomson Reuters 2024.

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What rat hole that town is - thugs not only killed the mayor (who was working on disaster relief for his constituents❩ but then felt compelled to display his severed head on social media

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Yep and these are the same people who can escape to LA tomorrow with a debit card, phone and free monthly accommodations by using a 5 minute app and no ID documents.

-1 ( +3 / -4 )

BlacklabelToday 03:07 pm JST

Yep and these are the same people who can escape to LA tomorrow with a debit card, phone and free monthly accommodations by using a 5 minute app and no ID documents.

Not paid for by the federal government so not really your concern.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )

Oh who pays for it then?

the people who enter the USA with a fake name and no ID using the Biden-Harris CBP One app?

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Yep and these are the same people who can escape to LA tomorrow with a debit card, phone and free monthly accommodations by using a 5 minute app and no ID documents.

Thought you'd be in favour. Given their proclivity towards violence, you could be sure they'd be Trump voters if you gave them citizenship.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

BlacklabelToday 03:15 pm JST

Oh who pays for it then?

the people who enter the USA with a fake name and no ID using the Biden-Harris CBP One app?

The debit cards was New York City and the "free phone" was a device that can literally only do the CBP one app. If it comes from you it is sure to be debunked with a quick google.

-3 ( +1 / -4 )

What else is new?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And where is the free housing, you left that out. Just New York?

Debit cards only NY- you are sure about that?

and people with no ID can use the app to escape up to the USA for “asylum”?

these killers are exactly the people we need to keep out. And exactly the people on that Biden-Harris app right now.

-3 ( +2 / -5 )


the word that shows clearly this issue has zero to do with you.

-1 ( +2 / -3 )

the word that shows clearly this issue has zero to do with you.

DIdn't know you were a Mexican national.

After all, if Americans can't comment on American issues - something you love to harp on about - then why should non-Mexican citizens get to comment on matters pertaining to Mexico?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Mexico is a failed narco state. Corrupt police, corrupt army and either corrupt or dead politicians. How to tell if they are corrupt? They have a pulse. Can't really blame them, not a very good choice, cash to look away or a bullet.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

All the weapons come from Guns 'R' US north of the border.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

wallaceToday 03:41 pm JST

All the weapons come from Guns 'R' US north of the border.

And the drugs to pay for them come from domestic sources or south of their border.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

BlacklabelToday 03:32 pm JST

And where is the free housing, you left that out. Just New York?

There are lots of people giving migrants housing. I'd need more specifics to debunk that one for you.

Debit cards only NY- you are sure about that?

That appears to be where you got that anecdote from.

and people with no ID can use the app to escape up to the USA for “asylum”?

It's an asylum app. I doubt Guatemalan id cards are up to the same standard as our own.

these killers are exactly the people we need to keep out. And exactly the people on that Biden-Harris app right now.

The app is the right approach and why border encounters are down dramatically right now. That's what you P&M over, right?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

And the drugs to pay for them come from domestic sources or south of their border.

Feeding the American drug addiction. Check out the streets of any major American city,

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There are lots of people

by “people” you mean Blue state governments using federal funds?

That appears to be where you got that anecdote from.

actually no. So there are other places not just NY. Fact, not anecdote.

id cards

other countries have no way to even identify themselves? That’s a problem!

1 ( +1 / -0 )

if Americans can't comment on American issues 

they can, and should and do.

this is an American issue due to the 15,000 criminals and terrorists released into our country by Biden-Harris.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

this is an American issue due to the 15,000 criminals and terrorists released into our country by Biden-Harris.

What's wrong with adding some potential MAGA recruits?

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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