Japan Today

Police step up patrols against prostitutes in Tokyo park


The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has stepped up patrols at a park in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district which has become a popular spot for so-called “stand-up” prostitutes who wait for customers.

Police said there have been a growing number of complaints from local residents and passersby about the women who hang out in Okubo Park and that it has become a social problem, TV Asahi reported. The worsening public safety is also a problem at the park, with curious onlookers getting into trouble with the women, police said.

On Thursday night, police went to the park and told the women to stop waiting for customers.

In addition to stepping up patrols, the Metropolitan Police Department said it will also focus on supporting the women to reintegrate into society, by referring them to welfare facilities.

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*The Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department has stepped up patrols at a park in Tokyo’s Shinjuku district which has become a popular spot for so-called “stand-up” prostitutes who wait for customers.*

Interesting direct translation.

Still seems a little hypocritical to target streetwalkers when there are so many fuzoku, soaps, and sex parlors around the neighborhood.

The authorities don't like it when the middleman is cut out.

2 ( +7 / -5 )

Still seems a little hypocritical to target streetwalkers when there are so many fuzoku, soaps, and sex parlors around the neighborhood.

The authorities don't like it when the middleman is cut out.

That's an excellent point.

Maybe they can use social media like Insta or X to solicit clients?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

Great. So now what are we supposed to do? There's no way I'm paying soapland prices.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

"Stand up" is just the latest in a long line of euphemisms The sex industry has loads of them.

One problem appears to be YouTubers hassling the women to make edgy content.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

Metropolitan Police Department said it will also focus on supporting the women to reintegrate into society, by referring them to welfare facilities.

So the government will supply welfare facilities to prostitutes but not to the elderly who are killing each other because they can't take care of themselves. Well done Jpn Govt!!!

0 ( +0 / -0 )

i used to live a little way outside that area. It's on the way to Kabuki-cho. Sleazy as you can get.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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