Japan Today

Two 19-year-old touts arrested over fatal assault of man on Kawasaki street


Police in Kawasaki, Kanagawa Prefecture, have arrested two 19-year-old men on suspicion of fatally assaulting a man in his 50s on a street in August.

According to police, the two suspects, who were arrested on Wednesday, were acting as touts for a local bar near JR Kawasaki Station at around 2:50 a.m. on August 24, Sankei Shimbun reported. The victim, who had been eating and drinking at a nearby bar, approached the touts and started arguing with them.

Police quoted witnesses as saying the two suspects started punching and kicking the man, causing him to fall to the ground.

The man hit his head when he fell, and after returning home to his home in Tokyo, his family noticed something was wrong and called 119. He was taken to hospital, but died on September 5. Police said the cause of death was traumatic brain dysfunction.

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He was a lot older, this is why you keep yourself in shape these thugs want an easy target you see.

Anyway this does in no way negate the demonic wickedness of these two young men, bullies and thugs, nuff said.

-4 ( +3 / -7 )

Send them both to prison for a long, long time. That will give them both lots of time to think about their idiotic mistake. However, 19 is still to young to charge them as adults, isn't it? They can only be held until they're 21 and then they'll be released without any records of having taken a man's life. Strange, isn't it?

-4 ( +1 / -5 )

However, 19 is still to young to charge them as adults, isn't it? They can only be held until they're 21 and then they'll be released without any records of having taken a man's life. Strange, isn't it?

Nope. In Japan 18 is the age of criminal responsibility. These two violent street thugs will be tried as adults - and hopefully receive at least 15-20 years inside. Their criminal records will follow them around for life - rightly so.

RIP to the poor man.

6 ( +6 / -0 )

The victim, who had been eating and drinking at a nearby bar, approached the touts and started arguing ...

Sounds to me like a drunken middle aged man was looking for trouble and found more than he bargained for.

0 ( +3 / -3 )

Gallows for those juvenile clowns..

1 ( +3 / -2 )

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