Japan Today
This photo of Claudio Worm was posted by the German consulate in Osaka.

German student goes missing while traveling in Wakayama


Wakayama Prefectural Police said on Monday that a 21-year-old German university student who was visiting Wakayama City, has been missing since Oct 11.

Police are appealing to the public for any information on Claudio Worm, believing he may have been involved in an accident or crime.

According to the prefectural police, Worm arrived in Japan on Sept 21 for a vacation. He first spent time in Tokyo and had been staying in Wakayama City since Sept 30, TV Asahi reported. At around 8:30 p.m. on Oct 11, security camera footage showed him walking alone near Nankai Wakayama City Station in Higashikuramae-cho, Wakayama City.

On Oct 12, Worm’s passport and mobile phone were found in a multi-purpose toilet in the city.

Police said Worm is 170-180 cm tall, of medium build, with blonde or brown hair. At the time, he was wearing a dark long-sleeved shirt, white pants and a dark backpack.

Anyone with any information about Worm is asked to call the Wakayama Prefectural Police Personal Safety Division (073-423-0110) or Wakayama Nishi Police Station (073-424-0110).

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Hoping they find him.

8 ( +8 / -0 )

I read about this on FB (Japan Expat Network)

2 ( +4 / -2 )

Japan doesn’t have a good track record of finding foreigners who go missing.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

Hope they find him. But unfortunately the passport and phone suggests foul play.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

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