Japan Today
FILE PHOTO: Protest in support of Palestinians in Sydney
FILE PHOTO: Members of the Palestine Action Group gather ahead of a rally, amid the ongoing conflict between Israel and the Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, in Sydney, Australia May 3, 2024. REUTERS/Alasdair Pal/File Photo Image: Reuters/Alasdair Pal

Australia tightens security ahead of Oct 6-7 pro-Palestine protests

By Renju Jose

Australian authorities said on Friday they would deploy more police personnel and tighten security measures ahead of pro-Palestine rallies in Sydney and Melbourne on Oct 6, warning protesters there would be no tolerance of violence.

The Israel-Hamas conflict has triggered protests from both Jewish and Palestinian groups across the world, including in Australia, as the government raised concerns that the protests could inflame community tensions and disrupt social harmony.

In Sydney, the Palestine Action Group has dropped its plans to hold a rally on Oct 7, the first anniversary of Hamas staging the deadliest assault in Israel's history, which sparked Israel's war in Gaza.

The pro-Palestine group will instead proceed with its rally on Sunday after reaching an agreement with police to change the location and route, and not display flags, portraits or symbols of prohibited organizations. It plans to hold a vigil on Monday.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese said he considers Oct 7 to be a solemn day, adding the majority of Australians would not want to see conflict in other parts of the world brought to the country.

"People who are thinking of other actions on October 7, think about whether your cause is being advanced or set back," Albanese said during a media briefing.

New South Wales Premier Chris Minns told reporters it would be "hugely insensitive" to hold a vigil in Sydney on Monday and warned there will be an "overwhelming police response" if it turned into a protest rally.

Australia has seen a rise in antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents since the start of the Israel-Gaza war and passed laws last year that banned public displays of terror group symbols.

Protests in Melbourne last weekend saw some participants displaying flags with the symbol of Hezbollah and photos of leader Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah who was killed in Israeli strikes, prompting authorities to launch an investigation.

Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group backed by Iran, is a "listed terrorist organization" in Australia.

Victoria state police said they would conduct more patrols near synagogues in Melbourne over the coming days.

"Patrols will also be bolstered around a planned community event in Melbourne's southeast on Monday," a Victoria Police spokesperson said by email.

© Thomson Reuters 2024.

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We were so proud of our multiculturalism in Australia. We were a banner example to the world of how well it could work. People came, worked hard, bought a little block of land, assimilated and within one generation were often more Aussie and proud than the Aussies themselves. It was beautiful.

Until, well, watch the protests and check the vibe. The gathering of what can only be the antithesis of that 'proud to be an Aussie' sentiment that kept us all mates for all this time. It's very sad. The majority of Aussies have had a gutful of this mob. Yaz done wrecked the big barby! Vial language and behavior guaranteed.

4 ( +5 / -1 )

Ok, maybe not the best spellers in the world. Vile! ;p

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Not even sure why these protesting people live in our lands , they seem to hate us all .Do they also want us as well Israel to be wiped off the map

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Oct 6-7 pro-Palestine protests

So they want to celebrate the murders, rapes and abductions carried out by Hamas. Some cultural enrichment...

2 ( +4 / -2 )

These useful !d!0+$ will protest for the aggressors who committed massacres and genocide against the Jewish people. What depraved minds.

1 ( +2 / -1 )

Australia has seen a rise in antisemitic and Islamophobic incidents since the start of the Israel-Gaza war

There is a large diaspora of both Jewish and Palestinian/Islamic people in Australia where they are both treated the same, bound by the same laws and for the most part all get along great. Until violence flairs in the Middle East. First there are grumblings but the longer the violence lasts the worse the reaction and as time goes on with more and more violence the tension keeps building.

This war that has gone a year now, started by HAMAS and from the next day onward fueled by Israel in a futile attempt to eradicate HAMAS from existence, has only increased the violence and drawn in other entities making the violence worse and making it spread further over the region.

The continuing and spreading war is driving unrest of diaspora in many places around the globe making peaceful and friendly people take up protests to stop the killing in the Middle East. Sadly nobody is listening to the message, and only comment that it is ugly and can lead to violence spreading even further and outside the region of origin.

There are two sides to every story, to every tragic clash and this is no exception. Listen to both sides, a majority of whom desperately want peace, and dont listen to those wanting to drive up the hate and the continue this war.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

and the continue this war.

*and to continue this war.

1 ( +1 / -0 )

Peaceful protests are fine. But when they turn aggressive and violent - making threats against people, places of worship, and carrying flags depicting machine guns etc - it is clearly unacceptable.

If people wish to carry on that violence on the other side of the world, it is best if they return to the conflict region and do what they wish. Do not import violence and intolerance to peaceful nations that have welcomed you.

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

on Oct 7

Glory to the terrorist attack, bravo what a world we life in.....

0 ( +1 / -1 )

Listen to both sides, a majority of whom desperately want peace, and dont listen to those wanting to drive up the hate and the continue this war.

If only that were true brother. Check the Middle East for reference. Peace is not on the menu nor the agenda, no matter how hard we wish it were.

0 ( +0 / -0 )

There are two sides to every story, to every tragic clash and this is no exception. Listen to both sides, a majority of whom desperately want peace, and dont listen to those wanting to drive up the hate and the continue this war.

Indeed, as in all conflicts majority of normal people want peace asap, warmongers in power often want the opposite.

-1 ( +0 / -1 )

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