Posted in: Climate change causing more change in rainfall, fiercer typhoons, scientists say See in context
A reference 10 years old is supposedly contradicting science from this year? that makes no sense, much less when it is a site infamous for being manipulative and untrustworthy. Using it has become a de facto recognition you don't have any evidence against climate change.
So your approach is to attack the site referencing the sources but then completely ignore the scientific studies themselves!? You're always banging on about how JT readers should trust the science and rely on the experts. Well 30 peer reviewed studies with excerpts and links were listed at the above url and the best you can do is misdirect! That's not only deceptive but hypocritical. Furthermore the article is 8 years old. In the big scheme of things that's nothing. Weather data is collected over decades to find an average and then the climate is determined from that. Sounds like you're confused. Or maybe that pesky science is an inconvenient truth when it doesn't fit with your ideology?
LOL. A lot of people would disagree. To parrot you: Wikipedia is ... a site infamous for being manipulative and untrustworthy.
-2 ( +5 / -7 )
Posted in: Climate change causing more change in rainfall, fiercer typhoons, scientists say See in context
Climate change (human produced, not natural) is the cause of fiercer typhoons, which of course means more destruction and death.
30 peer reviewed studies show no connection between climate change and hurricanes
-6 ( +5 / -11 )
Posted in: Humans caused climate change; now they must solve it See in context
It is not only on the title, it is the scientific consensus, something that you have repeatedly failed to refute. That means there is no problem with considering it true and proved.
You have it backwards. Science does not work by consensus, it's nothing more than a logical fallacy. It only takes one scientist with empirical evidence to destroy the so-called consensus. But I'm sure you know that. There are scores of scientists, researchers etc in related fields who have a different take on the so-called consensus. But of course, the general public is blocked from hearing their views in corporate media and other tightly controlled mainstream publications. Control the info, control the narrative. Isn't that how it goes, virusrex?
-1 ( +7 / -8 )
Posted in: Coral bleachings devastate Bali reefs as sea temperatures rise See in context
There’s no guarantee a species will survive.
That's right. But the modern industrial age only goes back 100~150 years. Assuming you are correct that 99% of all species have disappeared then what caused them to go extinct?
-2 ( +3 / -5 )
Posted in: Coral bleachings devastate Bali reefs as sea temperatures rise See in context
Where I live at and across America, bees and monarch butterflies and frogs have diminished in numbers too.
But nothing to do with cellphone towers or the widespread use of pesticides etc.? Why do you believe "climate change" is causing the apparent die-off of these creatures? The climate has been changing forever and yet these animals have adapted and survived since who knows when.
-3 ( +2 / -5 )
Posted in: Childhood trauma linked to distrust of healthcare professionals – new research See in context
Bad Haircut
for funding the gain of function research and then lying bout the origin
That's the cover story. If want to get nearer the truth then start looking outside the dialectic. One place to start would be Dr Sam Bailey's odysee channel.
1 ( +4 / -3 )
Posted in: India's heatwave longest ever, worse to come See in context
Science and data reveals the truth. Follow that.
Big science is corrupt. You'd get a better idea if you followed the money.
-16 ( +4 / -20 )
Posted in: A 'painful' car See in context
Whaddabout noise though? It's easy enough to look away from a brightly painted car but not one with speakers that blast out some message with a decibel count high enough to burst one's eardrums. These itasha roam my neighbourhood on a regular basis :(
2 ( +6 / -4 )
Posted in: Chemical pollutants can change your skin bacteria and increase your eczema risk See in context
The main cause of eczema is internal toxicity. One of the functions of the skin is to excrete waste. When the body can't easily remove non-self toxins like heavy metals or chemicals through the usual organs of elimination (liver, bowel, lungs etc) then waste products like dead tissue/cells build up. The body is always trying to maintain homeostasis and protect its main organs, so these waste products are pushed away and expressed through the skin. Clean up the internal terrain and the symptoms ease or even disappear.
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: It's the first drug shown to slow Alzheimer's. Why is is it off to a slow start? See in context
Apparently one contributing cause of alzheimer's is aluminium. A UK scientist by the name of Chris Exley has found that regularly drinking silicon-rich mineral water over time helps to safely draw the aluminium out of the body. Whether true or not, I don't know but drinking mineral water never hurt anyone or depleted their bank account too much.
1 ( +2 / -1 )
Posted in: Heat-trapping carbon dioxide and methane levels in the air last year spiked to record highs again See in context
One would be entitled to ask, rather than use electricity to power hydrolysis, why not use the electricity directly in the powering of our engines?
It has been done a number of times over the past 50-odd years. The first link reported on by Reuters (surprise) is a company based in Osaka, but Stan Myers' water powered car is probably the most well known.
most hydrogen today is made in a fashion that is not very clean at all.
I wonder why? Perhaps the answer can be found in a quote said to be made by Henry Kissinger. Even if it wasn't made by him it could still be acknowledged as true.
“Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.”
3 ( +3 / -0 )
Posted in: Gold hits new record high on Fed rate cut bets See in context
A new record high? Or is it the dollar and other fiat currencies regularly hitting new lows against gold and other commodities as they are debased through money printing, usury and out of control spending? Until/Unless there is some kind of reset then their eventual destination is zero, as with other previous fiat currencies throughout history.
-1 ( +0 / -1 )
Posted in: Musk says patient moves cursor with brain implant See in context
Actually the whole humanity will be helped with this.
Or hindered ... It's great for people with disabilities but it's too early to tell what deleterious effects it might have on the body. Furthermore, drones are controlled remotely and there are cases were hackers have broken into the computer systems of high tech cars so why not humans once the tech becomes more advanced and accepted? So beneficial in some cases but I'm wary of where this is leading.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Children are expensive – not just for parents, but the environment − so how many is too many? See in context
For a bit of clarity. Always along the same theme.
2 ( +2 / -0 )
Posted in: Children are expensive – not just for parents, but the environment − so how many is too many? See in context
I notice with these kinds of articles it's always the same demographic that's pictured. Usually there's something about diversity and inclusion but not when it comes to promotions for reducing the number of children.
3 ( +4 / -1 )
Posted in: Lunar night puts Japan's lander back to sleep See in context
A few questions about the image which leaves me scratching my head. Maybe someone can answer them?
Why no stars?
The foreground and background are both in focus. How does that work?
Why the pixelation along the line where the foreground meets the background? Also on the right side of the lander and hilltop if you zoom in.
Why is the middle of the image saturated in light? Studio lighting?
Where are the solar panels? The lander looks to be upside down.-7 ( +2 / -9 )
Posted in: Israeli forces dressed as women and medics kill 3 militants in West Bank hospital See in context
The IDF's definition of a militant includes kids throwing rocks at tanks. Were the militants serial rock throwers? No surprise the IDF didn't provide evidence.
7 ( +12 / -5 )
Posted in: At least 60 are killed in central Gaza in one of the war's deadliest strikes See in context
The situation on the ground is analogous to Stalingrad according to a US army veteran.
4 ( +4 / -0 )
Posted in: Where flooding has become more frequent, here's how gardeners can respond See in context
Extreme rainfall is more frequent now, atmospheric scientists say, as storms form in an atmosphere made warmer by climate change.
Or maybe rainfall is more frequent and heavier because of a massive volcanic eruption in Tonga last year which dumped 10% more water into the atmosphere than was already there. NASA claims that’s equivalent to 58,000 Olympic size swimming pools so obviously there’s going to be a bit more precipitation. Extra water vapour in the air will also warm the atmosphere.
-3 ( +0 / -3 )
Posted in: Climate change costs: Which countries will foot the bill? See in context
Of the three places where carbon is stored—atmosphere, oceans, and land biosphere—approximately 93 percent of the CO2 is found in the oceans. The atmosphere, at about 750 petagrams of carbon (a petagram [Pg] is 10 15 grams), has the smallest amount of carbon.
-1 ( +1 / -2 )
Posted in: Climate change costs: Which countries will foot the bill? See in context
Do you think the clear shooting upward trajectory to even higher levels of CO2 is troubling?
No. On the contrary it’s to be welcomed because it means a greener earth and bigger crop yields. The small increase in CO2 from 0.028 to 0.04% over the past 150 years or so is mostly due to the effect of the Sun on the oceans. Warmer temperatures due to solar activity = more CO2 released. Around 93% of all CO2 is said to be sequestered in the oceans.
As for the effect of water vapour on air temperature think of the difference between night-time temps and day-time temps in places with high humidity vs low humidity. A dry place like a desert can be scorching during the day then freezing at night, and all because there is no water vapour to hold the heat/energy from the daytime sun. In places with high humidity like a jungle or Japan it’s the opposite.
Evaporation, cloud cover, humidity, ocean currents, volcanic activity and on and on have a far bigger influence on climate than CO2. The climate is self-regulating and changes naturally over time with Sun activity, so there's nothing to be concerned about. CO2 and “climate change” is political, it’s not an environmental or man made problem.
-4 ( +1 / -5 )
Posted in: Climate change costs: Which countries will foot the bill? See in context
But the important issue is surely how much CO2 remains in the atmosphere after most of it is removed by natural processes.
It’s not a big deal. Why? CO2 is denser than the surrounding air so it eventually falls back to the earth within a relatively short time and is reabsorbed back into the oceans or used as plant food etc. This is the reason for it being a trace gas in the atmosphere. When CO2 levels are at 280ppm plant life starts to die. Even an increase to 412ppm is nothing in the big scheme of things. CO2 levels have been much higher in the past (via ice core samples), and mans’ contribution of approx 5% of the 412ppm is tiny. The molecules are so far apart in the atmosphere that any warming effect is negligible and probably unmeasurable.
The biggest greenhouse gas by far is water vapour. It is water vapour which is responsible for regulating Earth’s temperature. Without it this place would be unliveable. So even though CO2 is a greenhouse gas it pales in comparison to H2O. There are many drivers of climate but almost everything is a result of the Sun’s activity and its cycles. We’re currently in an interglacial. Warmer temperatures mean more CO2 being released from the oceans over time as they become less frigid. When that cycle changes then CO2 levels will start coming down again. I know this goes against the narrative but ice core data show that CO2 levels follow temperature, not the other way round.
0 ( +3 / -3 )
Posted in: Wildfires 'off the charts' in Canada as temperatures climb See in context
You still haven't addressed the satellite images and the multiple fires breaking out at the same time. It's why I put the 1.45 min time in. Typically you attack the man and not the information.
-6 ( +3 / -9 )
Posted in: Wildfires 'off the charts' in Canada as temperatures climb See in context
@Dr Maybe
I'll stick with what I see in the satellite images, unless you can prove otherwise. Whether he's correct or not the vlogger is entitled to his opinions.
-5 ( +4 / -9 )
Posted in: Wildfires 'off the charts' in Canada as temperatures climb See in context
Satellite/Radar images tend to support what AomoriExpat is saying. Lightning strikes might account for some of the fires but they would not account for so many fires breaking out across a large area all at the same time. From 1.45 mins.
-9 ( +4 / -13 )
Posted in: King Charles III crowned in sumptuous display of pageantry See in context
Protestors, 4th pic down. Nice use of the apostrophe.
8 ( +9 / -1 )
Posted in: Diet enacts record ¥114 tril budget for FY2023 See in context
Then we can be dependent on them.
I prefer the freedom to choose. If I'm wholly dependent on UBI then I might be forced to accept things that I may not want in order to get my monthly pittance. I'll leave that to your imagination, but the past 3 years has been revealing in that respect.
7 ( +9 / -2 )
Posted in: Diet enacts record ¥114 tril budget for FY2023 See in context
and start putting yen into the pockets of the people with a UBI.
Dependence is control, especially when UBI starts to come with strings attached. Be careful what you wish for.
4 ( +7 / -3 )
Posted in: Can't take statins? New pill cuts cholesterol, heart attacks See in context
Some elevated cholesterol levels are not influenced much by healthier eating and activity.
Quite a number of people have a predisposition for high levels of "bad" cholesterol.
Maybe there’s something else at work like chronic inflammation which is causing the high level of cholesterol? An analogy can be made with firefighters going to a fire to put out a blaze. The bigger the fire the more firefighters are needed to fight it. Although important, healthier eating and activity might not be very effective by themselves if there is excessive toxicity in the body. Liver cleanses and other natural remedies can help the body return to homeostasis.
1 ( +1 / -0 )
Posted in: What do you think prisons will be like in the future? See in context
15-minute cities?
-1 ( +2 / -3 )
Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia
Posted in: Hokuriku region of Japan experiences record snowfall
Posted in: Disgraced 'Emilia Perez' star vows to remain 'silent'
Posted in: Ishiba pledges to resolve territorial dispute with Russia