Japan Today

42-year-old woman arrested for kidnapping teenage boy after taking him to hotel


Police in Hiroshima have arrested a 42-year-old woman on suspicion of kidnapping a teenage boy by taking him to a hotel for the purpose of engaging in lewd activities.

According to police, Shiho Ito, a school lunch cook from Okawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, got acquainted with the boy, whose age hasn’t been revealed, on a social networking site, Sankei Shimbun reported. She arranged to meet him on a street on Oct 20 and asked if he’d like to go to a hotel.

The boy got into her car and she drove him to a hotel in Miyoshi, Hiroshima Prefecture.

Ito was arrested after the boy told his parents about the incident.

Police said Ito has denied the allegation and quoted her as saying,”He came with me of his own will. That is not kidnapping.”

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According to police, Shiho Ito, a school lunch cook from Okawa City, Fukuoka Prefecture, got acquainted with the boy, whose age hasn’t been revealed, on a social networking site, Sankei Shimbun reported. She arranged to meet him on a street on Oct 20 and asked if he’d like to go to a hotel.

Perhaps she interested to know, for who she serve the meal everyday. Also this is show equality, not only oyaji has the right to do strange awkward thing.

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If she was arrested, I'm assuming the teenage boy was younger than 16. But that information should be included; is he a minor or not?

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As @Wick's pencil has said, we don't know the boy's age so it could be because he's a minor, but:

”He came with me of his own will. That is not kidnapping.”

I kind of agree. If it is, then I was kidnapped a bunch when I was a teenager. Parents' friends' cars, parents of friends' cars, a teacher who passed by while I was walking my bike home because it had a puncture, some older girls from school who offered me a ride home... .Of course, none of those people took me to a hotel - actually one did but it was because we had just moved to the area and were living there at the time. But then the question becomes, did she detain him there, or could he leave any time?

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the question becomes, did she detain him there, or could he leave any time?

She perhaps put the strong word on him; you can check out any time you like , but you can never leave.

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GaijinjlandToday  08:51 am JST


Yeah all the time. Just now in fact. I assume they flag certain accounts that are critical or skeptical of their reporting and purposely make it difficult to post.

100% I think thats what it is. They don't like people pointing out how incompetent they are

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Sounds dodgy! Wonder if the parents tried to extort money from her...

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