Japan Today

81-year-old man arrested for killing 94-year-old wife


Police in Kitami, Hokkaido, have arrested an 81-year-old man on suspicion of killing his 94-year-old wife.

Hitoshi Sasaki turned himself in at a koban (police box) near his apartment on Friday night and told officers he had killed his wife because he was worn out from looking after her, NHK reported.

Police went to Sasaki’s apartment and found the body his wife Chie. She was declared dead at the scene.

There were no visible external injuries on her body, police said, adding that an autopsy will be held to determine the cause of death.

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Oh no, not again. 81 years old man and his wife was 94. 94! Can you believe it.

Well I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we need better social services to check up on the vulnerable you see.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

Well I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we need better social services to check up on the vulnerable you see.

Yes, you have said it before and again. And again.

So what do you suggest social services do? Go house to house checking on each elderly couple every day?

3 ( +6 / -3 )


Obviously what they do in other countries, check up on these people. In most countries neighbours would express concern, family members or doctors for example and report the matter. It’s well known that social services here do little to protect the vulnerable. Whether it’s children or seniors they don’t do enough, it’s a national scandal.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

Let me guess. Their children didn't want to take care of them, their pension was too small to cover nursing expenses, while both of them were married, not out of love, as normal, but living as partners as most of the Japanese couples.

And yes, one should look to the root cause of all those things, and look at the bigger pictures, since those cases are not at all singular and exceptions.

But then again, nobody cares or there are always some to say " it's part of the Culture". Or just, "shoganai"

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

Here we go again. The Japanese national sport of killing family members. Every day on the news! All around the year!

Also, time to show the other national custom by treating the problem the Japanese way by doing nothing.

-6 ( +1 / -7 )

“So what do you suggest social services do? Go house to house checking on each elderly couple every day?”

Yes, actually. Yes.

Exactly that.

It’s a thing called in-home hospice care.

Have you heard of it?

-1 ( +1 / -2 )

@DanteKH Well, the guy married a woman 13 years older than himself. So, he probably loved her at one time!

There is help available! You just have to contact the ward office, and they will sort something out! I'm wondering if the social services in Hokkaido are not as organized as the rest of Japan. There have been lots of stories recently of elderly people committing crime there!

4 ( +4 / -0 )

Maybe she was close to death...

There will never be enough hands to care for the elderly because of demography. That is bound to happen for the next decades and will start happening in all countries getting old. This is a natural process, except if you find a robot that could do the job.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

So what do you suggest social services do? Go house to house checking on each elderly couple every day?”

Yes, actually. Yes.

Exactly that. 

It’s a thing called in-home hospice care.

Have you heard of it?

Yes, of course. But is there any indication from this article that social services were ever contacted before?

1 ( +1 / -0 )

And the daily family murder is in. Sigh.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

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