Japan Today

36-year-old man arrested for allegedly having sex with two minors


Police in Tokyo have arrested a 36-year-old unemployed man on suspicion of having sex with two girls, a junior high school student and an elementary school student.

According to the police, Ryuji Nishida is suspected of engaging in lewd acts with a 13-year-old junior high school student and a 12-year-old elementary school student in December last year in a karaoke booth in Shibuya Ward after promising to give them 40,000 yen, NTV reported.

On Dec 21, one of the girls posted on social media that she was looking for a sugar daddy. Nishida saw the post and sent her a message saying, "I want to meet you.”

The girl showed up at Shibuya Station with a friend and Nishida took them to a karaoke parlor where he allegedly had sex with them between 8:30 p.m. and 9 p.m.

Nishida claims he didn’t know the girls were under the age of 16.

The incident came to light in June when one of the girls was taken into custody by police in Tokyo’s Kabukicho red-light district.

Police said the two girls have been engaging in sugar dating to earn money to spend time at game centers.

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An unemployed "sugar daddy." Why do these articles always raise more question than they answer?

11 ( +15 / -4 )

Papakatsu is really a euphemism for prostitution. Although they probably had some regulars on the side too.

-7 ( +10 / -17 )

Police said the two girls have been engaging in prostitution to earn money to spend time at game centers.

Fixed the last paragraph for you.

-4 ( +12 / -16 )

Another perverted child rapist caught - but sadly likely just the tip of the iceberg. Hopefully he spends many years in prison. Would be ideal if something was surgically removed from the paedophile.

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Another perverted child rapist caught

Perverted, maybe. But child rapist ? How ? What if he’s telling the truth ? I do understand the girls are minors , but all said and done , they’re soliciting no?

13 ( +26 / -13 )

Perverted, maybe. But child rapist ? How ? What if he’s telling the truth ? I do understand the girls are minors , but all said and done , they’re soliciting no?

You really think a 12 year old child understands the implications of what she is doing? That they can consent?

He is a child rapist - and needs to be severely dealt with.

0 ( +15 / -15 )

You really think a 12 year old child understands the implications of what she is doing?

No, I do not think a 12 year old will understand in the same way as a mature person. He’s a pervert for looking out for a particular age group. Did you read my question? What if he’s telling the truth ? I’ll simplify: why if he genuinely didn’t know their ages. Sigh !

3 ( +13 / -10 )

Another perverted child rapist caught 

Not a rapist, It was consensual sex, today's young people think almost like an adult.

This is the world now...

-12 ( +7 / -19 )

What if he’s telling the truth ? I’ll simplify: why if he genuinely didn’t know their ages. Sigh !

Claiming to believe a 12 year old elementary child is over 16? Seriously? That is not a legal defense, and rightly so.

I genuinely worry about the amount of defending of men who have sex with children that takes place after each of these stories.


3 ( +14 / -11 )

And where were the "parents"?

-3 ( +10 / -13 )

> puregaijinToday  08:10 am JST

Another perverted child rapist caught

Perverted, maybe. But child rapist ? How ? What if he’s telling the truth ? I do understand the girls are minors , but all said and done , they’re soliciting no?

Yes, this is 100% rape, and I'm going to guess that you're very young to not know about sexual consent of minors.

Even if a minor seems to want or ask for it, it's illegal for an adult to have sex with them. Kids can't make good decisions about sexual consent and it's harmful and illegal for an adult to take advantage of them.

It’s important to remember that having sex with a minor is a serious crime to protect them.

More detail:

Consent is not valid: Minors, especially those under the age of consent, do not have the legal capacity to give informed consent to sexual activity. Their decision-making is often influenced by factors like vulnerability, peer pressure, or financial need.

Exploitation: An adult engaging in sexual activity with a minor takes advantage of their immaturity and lack of experience. This is a form of exploitation.

Long-term harm: Sexual activity with a minor can have severe psychological and emotional consequences for the minor, including trauma and difficulty forming healthy relationships later in life.

Legal consequences: Engaging in sexual activity with a minor is a serious crime that can result in imprisonment, fines, and other legal penalties.

-9 ( +12 / -21 )

These two young girls were actively engaging in prostitution. They knew what they were doing.

That said, the guy also clearly broke the law(several laws) and will more likely pay the bigger price. The girls will likely also continue with their "career".

0 ( +7 / -7 )

These two young girls were actively engaging in prostitution. They knew what they were doing.

And another person who does not understand - or wilfully ignores the fact that 12 year old children cannot give consent.

Halk explains it perfectly.

-7 ( +1 / -8 )

A creep on the loose, so did he actually pay them? I doubt it very much since he has no job.

I blame it on the Platforms these girls use to advertise themselves, in this day and age Creeps like him should have never had access to their profiles or been able to contact them, there are technologies available to do just that but these platforms will NOT implement it bcz. they lose revenues.

0 ( +5 / -5 )


Another perverted child rapist caught - but sadly likely just the tip of the iceberg.

Perverted, yes. But "rape"? Perhaps in a strictly legal sense, but not in the way the word is meant to be used. These kids were into prostitution, which is an adult activity. Where are the parents?

Hopefully he spends many years in prison. Would be ideal if something was surgically removed from the paedophile.

Why do people overuse such strong words immediately? Such hype de-values the word. It is similar to calling every military conflict a "genocide". Words have meanings, if they mean everything they mean nothing.

9 ( +13 / -4 )

He needs to be taught a lesson in jail.

what about the girls, will they go to jubee?

1 ( +5 / -4 )

Nishida claims he didn’t know the girls were under the age of 16.

For sure he did not know the real age of one of the girls when answering to her post on social media that she was looking for a sugar daddy.

However after meeting them face to face he should not go with them to private rooms and consider to report them to police. The minimum age to engage in prostitution is 18 (and not 16) - he should notice the age difference and refuse to continue any contact with them.

ZaphodToday 10:19 am JST

Perverted, yes. But "rape"? Perhaps in a strictly legal sense, but not in the way the word is meant to be used. These kids were into prostitution, which is an adult activity. Where are the parents?

Nowadays the meaning of the word 'rape' is distorted and misused. Basically any contact between a man and a woman can be classified as 'rape', it depends widely on the interpretation of laws of the country where you are. Any rude email from a man to a female can be considered as 'emotional rape', a woman demands money from a man for what reason ever but he is refusing feels to be 'financially raped' etc.

The valid question however is about the parents of these two girls. These girls created a profil on social media looking for a sugar daddy, they met the man in Shibuya, but they were taken into custody by police in Tokyo’s Shinjuku Kabukicho red-light district 6 months later.

Parents should be kept responsible what their offsprings are doing.

1 ( +3 / -2 )

Every single time a story like this is published there are comments supporting child rape.

Do you guys at all realize what you're saying?

Because if you think girls as young as 12 or 13 are cognizant of the ramifications of sex, then you are either a child rapist yourself, or you want to be one.

-2 ( +2 / -4 )

YohanToday 11:19 am JS

For sure he did not know the real age of one of the girls when answering to her post on social media that she was looking for a sugar daddy.

He looked for young girls to have sex with, and when he saw them and how young they looked, he still wanted to have sex with them.

13 year olds look like 13 year olds, act like 13 year olds, and no 13 year old is going to look, sound, or act 18.

He is a child molester and rapist no matter how you try to justify this.

Nowadays the meaning of the word 'rape' is distorted and misused. Basically any contact between a man and a woman can be classified as 'rape', it depends widely on the interpretation of laws of the country where you are. Any rude email from a man to a female can be considered as 'emotional rape', a woman demands money from a man for what reason ever but he is refusing feels to be 'financially raped' etc.

This makes me think you very likely have raped a woman. Otherwise you would not be so eager to defend rape and rapists, and try to downplay the seriousness and ubiquity of rape.

I know the mods will delete this post but I hope you see it before they do, and know that there are women in the world who are reading your posts and are utterly disgusted by you. You're a complete and utter pervert.

-4 ( +2 / -6 )

WoodyLeeToday 09:28 am JST

I blame it on the Platforms these girls use to advertise themselves, in this day and age Creeps like him should have never had access to their profiles or been able to contact them, there are technologies available to do just that but these platforms will NOT implement it bcz. they lose revenues.

Why to blame only the man? 12 y/o girls should not be allowed to create profiles and to advertise themselves on social media looking for sugar daddies.

It is up to such social media sites which accepts profiles pointing to sexual services to insist on identification/age check during sign-up - for example by a credit card, copy of a driving license etc...

It is also up to parents to check what their daughter who is still in elementary school is doing around 9 PM in Shibuya and Shinjuku and also questioning her from where the money is coming from she is spending in game centers all the time.

0 ( +2 / -2 )

You are sick, Yohan.

Call me a feminazi or any other names you care to, but at least I don't go online to defend child rapists and blame 13 year old girls for having been raped.

You are SICK.

-5 ( +2 / -7 )

You are sick, Yohan.

To be fair, the disturbingly high number of the posters defending sex with kids are, too.

There is a reason many escaped their own nations years ago and moved to Asia.

0 ( +1 / -1 )

girl_in_tokyoToday 11:55 am JST

I know the mods will delete this post but I hope you see it before they do, and know that there are women in the world who are reading your posts and are utterly disgusted by you. You're a complete and utter pervert.

Why should mods delete your post? Up to them, I don't care.

FYI - in my previous comment I clearly posted:

However after meeting them face to face he should not go with them to private rooms and consider to report them to police. The minimum age to engage in prostitution is 18 (and not 16) - he should notice the age difference and refuse to continue any contact with them.

Why did you cut out this sentence? You quote me out of context. What is wrong with my comment?

And yes, I also keep the social media responsible and the parents of these girls too and not only this man.

Social media should never allow 12 y/o children to sign-up with comments pointing to sexual favours and parents have not only the right, but the duty to check what their elementary school children are doing at 9 PM in certain places in Shibuya and Shinjuku.

2 ( +2 / -0 )

Whether he knew the real ages of the girls it is Statutory -rape and should be treated so. A child cannot consent to any form of sexual activity, period.

-2 ( +1 / -3 )

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